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親鸞的佛道觀-作為大乘佛教的淨土真宗|Shinran's Buddhology-The Mahāyāna School of Jōdo Shinshū




親鸞 浄土真宗 大乗仏道 他力 凡夫


親鸞將傳承自法然的「淨土真宗」,以「他力真宗」、「本願他力真宗」來表現,其佛道是在《佛說無量壽經》所說法藏菩薩(阿彌陀佛)的本願力迴向上成立。鈴木大拙將之評為「他力宗」,「他力」一詞,使得此一佛道的主體大多被理解為阿彌陀佛。然而,親鸞所開顯的淨土真宗佛道結構,雖強調阿彌陀佛的他力救濟,卻可窺見實際上的主體是領受本願力迴向的眾生。親鸞雖從以「忘己利他」作為理想大乘佛道的天台宗自力佛道中,轉向法然專修念佛的他力救濟道,且依此發現自我的救濟之道,但換個角度來說,此救濟其實意味著他力念佛道與原本遵循大乘佛道的徑路是相同意義的。淨土真宗作為依靠阿彌陀佛的「救濟教」,經常被指出與基督教救贖論之間的相似性,但親鸞認為淨土真宗是和本願力迴向相遇的凡夫、眾生自發的、自覺的遵循大乘佛道的「佛教」。|Shinran explained the teachings of the "True Essence of Pure Land" school (Jōdo Shinshū 淨土真宗) established by Honen in terms of the "true essence of other-power" (他力真宗) and the "true essence of the other-power of the original vow" (本願他力真宗). His view of the Buddhist path was founded on the dedication of the power of Amitābha's original vow, as taught in the Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra (佛說 無量壽經). D. T. Suzuki classified his teachings as belonging to the "other-power" schools (他力宗). This term "other-power" has led many to regard the Buddha Amitābha as the central element of this Buddhist path. In reality, Shinran's understanding of the Pure Land centers on the sentient beings who receive the salvific power of Amitābha's vow. Shinran moved away from the "self-power" (自力) Tendai school and its Mahāyāna ideal of "benefitting others through self-forgetfulness", embracing Honen's exclusive practice of reciting the Buddha's name as a means for one's own salvation. Yet, from another point of view, this very salvation points to the similarity between the recitation of the Buddha's name and the traditional Mahāyāna path of practice. Many have pointed out the similarities between this school's emphasis on the reliance on Amitābha's power for salvation and the Christian soteriology. Yet, for Shinran, the Pure Land teaching formed a natural and intuitive expression of orthodox Mahāyāna Buddhism, based in the encounter of ordinary sentient beings with the power of the dedication of Amitābha's original vow.


《日本思想体系 4 最澄》(1974)。安藤俊雄・薗田香融校注。岩波書店。
河智義邦(2001)〈親鸞の信心論と大乗仏教原理―現代真宗伝道の一視点〉。《中央仏教学院紀要》12・13 号。頁 101-120。
