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Is abstinence difficult? Reinterpreting recidivism of the drug abuse offenders




Over the years, recidivism of drug abuse offenders (or addicts relapse ) has been a highlight issue in the correctional institutes. Recidivism is not only one of the main causes of the high population in prison, it has also led to the financial breakdown of many families. As a result, society as a whole is functionally impaired while the social security, which is the basis of national solidarity, is severely harmed. So, how to understand the significance of recidivism rate (or relapse rate)? Pragmatically, we use the results of evidencebased research, which is based on different drug abuse treatment models and different statistical analysis models, to interpret the significance of recidivism rate (or relapse rate). We try to import the current public health concept, "3-stage and 5-grade of prevention," which combines different modes of Agency of Correction, Ministry of Justice, to illustrate various benefits in Primary Prevention ( list C of INCSR, decreasing the number of new drug addicts of class A and class B), Secondary Prevention (some long-term correcting model for recidivism showing better benefits than short-term detention and rehab), and Tertiary Prevention (promoting drug abuse treatment programs in prison). Meanwhile, we also refer to some related research suggestions as to improve effectiveness of drug abuse treatment in future.