  • 期刊

Research on Red Education of Ideological and Political Education


The research on the application of red resources in ideological and political education in colleges and universities has obtained some results, but some problems still exist. However, with the emphasis of colleges and teachers and the development of moral education and practical activities in universities, the application of red resources in political education and moral education in colleges and universities must be more and more perfect.


Li Xia. On the Application of Red Resources in Ideological and Political Education [D]. Central South University, 2013.
Zhou Bingqun. Develop and utilize the red resources of the Baise Uprising, strengthen and improve the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities [J]. Journal of Baise University, 2010,23 (04): 33-38.
Liao Lingyan, Li Yingmin. Research on Red Culture to Promote the Development of College Students' Ideological and Political Education [J]. Journal of Higher Education, 2015 (19): 214-215.
Shu Neng. Talking about the leading role of red movie in the ideological and political education of college students [J]. Grand Stage, 2015 (10): 189-190.
