  • 期刊


Observing the semantic evolution of "Bushuang (不爽)" from the Chinese character "Shuang (爽)" - A Corpus-based




本義 引伸義 假借義 語料庫 語義演變


The ancient Chinese terms are used continuously till modern times. For thousands of years , language has undergone structural changes , or has transferred into different meanings and sounds. Its original meaning is difficult to deduct, resulting in ancient and modern semantic differences. The key point is the background behind language context and development. This paper is based on corpus to observe and explore the semantic development of Chinese "busguang(不爽)" from Chinese "sguang(爽)".The usage of "sguang(爽)" was shown in the ancient books such as Oracle Bronze Inscription、"Shi Jing" and "Zuo Zhuan". After the language change, the meaning of this term has gradually taken on extended meanings or borrowed meanings. Nowadays "bushuang(不爽)" has developed into a phrase, and is used as an oral form in modern Chinese. This paper is based on corpus and dictionary to prove and explain the original meaning of Chinese "sguang(爽)", analysis the extended meanings and the borrowed meanings of this term, and observe the current situation of oral usage and Semantic differences between China and Taiwan for exploring the semantic development of Chinese "busguang(不爽)".
