  • 期刊


On the Algorithmic Propagation and Alienation in Netpolitik




In the era of social media, new changes are taking place in the development of Netpolitik. With the development of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, social media and intelligent algorithms are combined, and political groups carry out political activities such as information transmission, opinion feedback and political mobilization through algorithmic propagation, which is having a lasting and far-reaching impact on the political development of various countries. In Netpolitik, algorithmic propagation helps to run politics more efficiently and scientifically, and helps to better assist decision-making. However, when some organizations and institutions make use of it for a specific purpose, it will lead to the alienation of algorithmic propagation, which will have an important impact on the political elections and even the trend of public opinion in some countries and regions. The governance of the algorithm is becoming an issue of increasing concern.
