  • 期刊


The Reliability Analysis of Balance Evaluation on KAT 2000 & Kistler Force Plate


平衡能力是一種維持身體重心於個體支撐基底內的能力,良好的平衡能力與日常生活中肢體動作的完成關係密切,且對協調運動表現與運動傷害預防扮演重要的角色。隨者科技進步與設備的普及,傳統Romberg測試已無法滿足嚴謹研究所需,本研究目的在探討國內兩種常用於平衡評估儀器之信度,以為後續研究設計與相關探討之依據。19名健康體能活躍之大學生自願參與實驗,以隨機分配交叉平衡(random assign & counter balance)分別進行KATZ000與Kistler測力板平衡測試,並於10日後以同法再進行相同的平衡測試。所有資料蒐集後以重複量數t考驗、Pearson相關係數與級內相關係數(intraclass correlation coefficients, ICC)法,來考驗各情境中平衡測試之可信度與穩定性。研究結果顯示:一、KAT2000平衡測試之Pearson相關係數僅在左腳動態平衡、雙腳靜態平衡、雙腳動態平衡指數,有顯著相關(.67、.71、.76),t考驗顯示在右腳靜態平衡與雙腳動態平衡前後測值有顯著差異,ICC也顯示僅在BS與BD上具普通或良好之信度(.53,.62);二、Kistler測力板前後測之Pearson相關係數在開眼左腳站立、開眼右腳站立與閉眼右腳站立平衡上有顯著關係存在,而t考驗顯示在測力板四種情境中前後測皆無顯著差異,且ICC也顯示其皆具有普通或良好之信度(.73~.83)。結論為:不同的測試情境與實驗目的,應考量儀器的限制與應用,本研究結果顯示Kistler測力板結合Romberg站立測試在評估靜態平衡能力(開眼或閉眼)上則有頗佳的信度,而KAT2000在評估靜態平衡能力之信度皆屬不佳,僅在雙腳動態平衡能力上有可接受的信度值(ICC=0.62),此外KAT2000後測皆較前測為佳,似乎顯示有學習效應存在,使用與評估的解釋需多加注意。


KAT2000 Kistler測力板 信度 平衡


Balance is the process of maintaining the center of gravity (COG) within the body's base of support. Previous studies have used several different methods to examine the relationships among balance control, injury probability and the efficiency of rehabilitation after injury. Few studies have investigated the reliability of balance measure equipment. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability of two types of balance evaluation equipment. Nineteen healthy physically active college students participated in this study. Random assignment to undertake the Kistler force plate balance test and the KAT2000 static and dynamic balance test. All tests were repeated ten days after the initial test, paired t test, Pearson correlation and the intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were used to determine the reliability of each balance test. The results were as follows:1) There were significant correlations in left static (LS), bilateral static (BS) and bilateral dynamic (BD) respectively (.67, .71, .76) before and after ten days in KAT2000 balance test. The t test indicated that there were significant differences in pre- and post- test for right static (RS) and BD. The ICC also indicated that BS and BD had normal to good reliability (.53, .62). 2) There were strong correlations in open eye with left leg (OL), open eye with right leg (OR) and close eye with left leg (CL) in Kistler balance test. The t test indicated that no significant difference in any pre- and post- tests. The ICC also indicated that all the tests on Kistler balance test had normal to good reliability (.73~.83). The results showed that the limitation and application of balance equipment need to take into consideration. This study showed Kistler force plate with Romberg test had good reliability in static balance test and poor reliability in KAT2000 balance test, neither in left nor right static testing procedure. KAT2000 might have learning effect and need further evaluation in static and dynamic balance performance.


KAT2000 kistler force plate reliability balance


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