  • 期刊


Thesis on Fookienese Opera Troupe's Performance in Taiwan During the Japenese-ruled Period--Scope of Analysis Based on "New Taiwan Daily News"(1899~1936)


日治時期,海峽兩岸雖然政治隔絕,但雙方的文化交流並未因此而中斷,尤其大規模的支那(日人對中國的稱呼)戲班渡台演出,更對台人戲劇審美觀、民間演劇的劇目、表演、舞台美術等方面起著豐富、提昇的作用,可以說台灣傳統戲劇發展至今所顯現的本土特色,乃是一定程度反應在當初受到支那戲班影響之上的。 本文擬以與台灣僅一水之隔,文化藝術、風俗習慣最為近似的褔建為研究對象,以當時記載戲劇活動數量最多,內容最為詳實的《台灣日日新報》為分析範圍,抽離出該報自1899年自1936年間所有有關褔建戲班來台演出的報導與評論,輔以相關文獻,從日治前台灣戲劇的發展概況切入,先釐清清代台灣戲劇與褔建戲劇的關係,繼之論述日治時期來台之褔建戲班的演出背景與活動情形,以便觀察當時褔建戲班在台演出的歷史面貌,最後,分析其對台灣戲劇的影響及所產生的變化,以呈現互動過程的時代意義。期盼經過對日治時期台、閩戲劇交流的探討,能使我們更客觀、完整的看待當時台灣戲劇的歷史發展面貌。


The political isolation between Taiwan and the Mainland China during the Japanese-ruled period did not in any way halt cultural exchange between the two straits. Large theatrical troupes in China have staged numerous performance in Taiwan. This has greatly enriched and improved the aesthetic perceptions of Taiwanese on dramas, play programs of local performance, acting performance, and stage arts. In fact, the qualities in traditional Taiwanese opera is, to a certain level, a reflection of the influence brought about by the theaters of China. This paper seeks to conduct a study on Fookien, which is greatly similar to the Taiwan in terms of culture, arts, customs and traditions. Research scope is based on records found in the ”New Taiwan Daily News” which contained a majority of the opera activities at that time. Relevant records and critic's reviews on Fookienese opera Troupe's performance in Taiwan between 1899 and 1936 and relevant documents from the Japanese-ruled period were used. This paper began with an overview of the development of Taiwanese opera during the Japanese-ruled period and a clarification of the relationship between Taiwanese opera during the Ching Dynasty and Fookienese opera. It then conducted a discussion on the background and activities relating to the performance of the Fookienese opera troupe in Taiwan to gain an understanding on the historical features of Fookienese opera troupe's performance in Taiwan. Finally, an analysis on the impact and changes in Taiwanese opera was conducted to show the interactive process between these periods. It is the objective of this study to provide a more objective and comprehensive look at the historical development of Taiwanese opera by studying the cultural exchange between Taiwan and Fookien opera during the Japanese-ruled period.
