  • 期刊


Opportunity Algorithm Analysis of Importance and Satisfaction on Outpatientant's Consultations


病患之心聲是非常重要,但是如何分辨病患口中所講及真正心中之差異,這些是醫院管理者必需再學習及深入探討。本文研究主要目的在探討門診病患選擇就醫「重要性」與就醫後「滿意度」各變項分數之高低,並運用企業實務「商機演算法」(The Opportunity Algorithm)理論,從結果中挑選出病患認為「很重要」但服務無法滿足「顧客渴望」之變項(即低滿意度),並從運算復依分數高低排序,挑選出「最富潛力」之商機變項,並依醫院之願景、核心價值、策略目標及資源,排定改善之優先順序,藉以提升門診作業之服務品質及效率。 本研究發現影響門診病患選擇就醫之重要性因素中,「醫德及醫術」為病患最優先考慮及重視,「醫療儀器」則次之,顯示民眾求醫仍最重視醫師的專業技術能力及醫療設備完善;另亦發現民眾相當重視醫療資訊及衛教知識之獲得,顯示於全民健保實施以來,民眾希望醫院多提供衛教知識,以增進疾病預防及健康之增進。 本研究同時發現門診病患對於醫師服務態度滿意度高於其他專業人員,顯示醫院近年來全面推展服務品質活動,醫師們之參與已受到民眾之肯定。另外病患滿意度排名最後之十個變項,有七項與時間相關,顯示目前工商社會,民眾重視就醫過程所花費之時間,值得個案醫院進一步檢討改善。 經由商機演算法之排序結果,得知門診病患最希望醫師能多給予「病情解釋及說明」,其次為醫院能加強提供「衛生教育及醫藥知識資訊」及「病情追蹤」之服務,此三項即為商機演算法中,「最富潛力」之商機變項。 於比較病患特性及就診特性與商機分數之差異情形,發現高學歷的病患(研究所以上)對於醫師的看診時間及解釋說明有較高的要求;高收入家庭的病患(尤其是十五萬以上)對於醫師專業能力與經驗有較高的需求,亦期望等候領藥時間有較高改善空間。「複診病患」較「初診者」重視「停車方便性」;搭乘「大眾交通工具(包含醫院接駁車)」之病患對於「志工人員之服務態度」有較高的服務需求。 本研究初次嘗試以企業界實務化「顧客意見」為創新泉源,利用商機演算法,尋找個案醫院門診作業流程最具顧客導向之因素而改善,較以往僅以之滿意度調查之結果,更能分辨出病患真正需求及差異,未來亦可運用於住院及急診等作業流程。


The purposes of the present study were to find out the motives for patients to seek treatment, the kind of medical treatment they seek, important factors for the patients to return to the hospital, and the relations between post-treatment satisfaction and potential business opportunities for hospitals. We conduct a week-long questionnaire survey in October 2003 on out-patients. We issue 1,000 questionnaires and recall 800, with 779 of them effective. The majority of consultations are revisits (72.9%), as opposed to first visits (18.5%). Military personnel are the largest and most important group of customers for this hospital. The research reveals that the five most important factors why patients seek medical consultations from this hospital are: proximity (17.6%), medical skills of doctors, quality of medical facilities, quality of service, and name recognition of the hospital (7.6%). Obviously, proximity to the hospital and economy of time are the prime concern for patients. Furthermore, the skills and professionalism of doctors are another important factor why patients choose the hospital. Sanitation and medical facilities are another major concern. The Multi-factor logistical analysis of the revisits and referral shows that regarding motives for seeking medical treatment, those who approve of the medical skills of the doctors are 5.462 times more likely to return to the hospital for treatment than those we don't, which is statistically significant. Other factors do not affect the inclination for revisits. As the inclination for referral, those who approve of the medical skills of the doctors are 3.683 times more likely to refer than those who don't. Those who approve of the service of this hospital are 6.075 times more likely to refer the hospital than those who don't. All the above are significant statistically. Other factors do not affect the inclination for referral. This study concludes that the study hospital will help boost the satisfaction, loyalty and trust of the patients and help encourage them to return to the hospital for treatment. And by improving the image of this hospital, we hope it can attract more patients so as to boost the bottom line and growth of this hospital.


Opportunity Algorithm Statisfaction


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