  • 期刊


An Analysis of Fiscal Deficit, Fiscal Policy Operations and it's Evaluation in Japan Since 1990'S


日本曾經是世界上經濟發展最為快速、經濟發展成果最為顯著的國家之一,同時也是亞洲唯一的先進工業國家,一般均以「日本經濟奇蹟」來形容,其政府的政策與民間企業之經營管理方法等成功的經驗經常受到其他國家的學習與借鏡。但自九○年代初期泡沫經濟破滅以後迄今,日本經濟乃陷入前所未有之長期不景氣局面,而被稱為「迷失的年代」或「失落的年代」,與七○年代初期以前之高度成長時代,甚至是八○年代以前之中度成長時代成為顯著的對比。 本文之分析焦點係如標題所示,是在於研究分析九○年代以來日本之財政赤字、財政政策之運作與評估。透過本文之分析,當可了解九○年代日本經濟之衰退與財政赤字及財政運作之間的關係,以及其財政赤字之特色,同時也可以了解日本財政政策運作之理念及缺失(或盲點),最後根據以上之研究分析結果,提出結論與展望,以作為政策當局施政之參考。


In the beginning of 1990, the Japanese economy has net a bubble collapse, and then immediately fell into a serious economic recession since May 1991until now. It is generally believed that the Japanese economic recession in this was caused by it's financial and fiscal crisis. If these two crises cannot be taken a set of successful policies to completely settlement, then recession will be difficult to recover. This project is mainly surveying the processes of Japan's fiscal deficit, fiscal policy operations and it's evaluation since 1990's. Firstly, I will overview and analyze the fiscal deficit and it's features in Japan. Secondly, I will to pay more detail to analyzing Japan's fiscal policy operations and it's evaluation, especially to effect the Japanese macroeconomics. Finally, I will derive some conclusions and policy implications on suggestion from the above analyses.


葉亭伶(2011)。財政預算變化對歐債危機發展之非線性影響 –以PIIGS為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00789
