  • 期刊


Developing a Health Education Learning System on the WWW



民眾對健康醫學知識的關注程度,有明顯增加的趨勢,為提升其自我健康照護的知能,擁有免於疾病恐懼的知識能力。本研究整合消費者健康資訊(consumer health information;CHI)和數位學習(E-learning)系統發展的特點,並和教育部中小學健康與體育領域九年一貫課程主軸架構理論相結合,建立一不受時空限制的健康醫學教育網路。健康醫學學習網是教育部「資訊教育總藍圖」計劃中六大學習網之一,內容架構的規劃採納國內近一百位中西醫相關醫護背景專家和中小學老師等教育專家的建議,系統平台以多媒體知識庫為基礎,整合視覺化操作介面、學習路徑和FAQ自然語言知識庫管理系統,本學習網將提供全民健康醫學知識理論、發展健康教育教學輔助資源並成為健康醫學學習入口網站,讓民眾從做中學的過程中,促進健康和預防疾病。


According to the advance of the medical informatics, health related issues are more concerned by the public recently. It is very important that a person has the capability of increasing health knowledge and can avoid the fear of disease. In this study, we have established an Internet Health Education Learning System (HELS) which is based on the ideas of Consumer Health Information (CHI) and E-Learning. This study is also combined with and follows the theory of health-and-physical education course, which is a part of the so called the Nine-year Comprehensive Curriculum for the Elementary and Junior High Education in Taiwan. The health education learning system built in this study is also one of the six major learning systems described in the blueprint of information education infrastructure promoted by the Ministry of Education. The content structure of the system is designed by more than a hundred experts who are devoted to public health works including medical doctors, nurses, professors, school teachers, and so on. The system platform is designed by using a Multimedia Knowledge base and integrated with visualized user interface, learning pathway and FAQ natural language management. HELS will provide the general medical knowledge for public, give help on the development of the assistant teaching materials and become a portal website of Consumer Health Information. Following the “learning by doing” methodology, the public will obtain more health knowledge and lead to the promotion of national health and prevention of disease.


