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A case report of Perimenopausal headache with traditional Chinese medicine treatment




更年期 頭痛 中醫


The patient was a 52-year-old female who began to have menopause in March year 2020. The patient introduced herself that she had panic symptoms before menopause. Since November in 2019, she had occasionally suffered from sudden heart palpitations, tightness in the chest, and inability to breathe. Therefore, both the cardiology examination and blood pressure showed no abnormalities . Afterwards, she was referred to the Department of Psychosomatics, who was diagnosed with panic disorder. In addition to the above symptoms, the patient developed dizziness, headache, tight neck, chest tightness, shortness of breath, backache, bitter mouth , body heat, sweating, poor sleep, lot of dreams of perimenopause symptom. Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosed it as Yin Insufficiency and strong fire , and hyperactivity of liver yang. Prescription of nourishing yin and calming liver traditional Chinese medicine were given. After treatment, most of the symptoms were relieved, and headache and neck tightness were also relieved.


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