  • 期刊


The Importance of Humanistic Education from Viewpoints of Human Dignity


德國哲學大儒康德(Immanuel Kant)曾謂:人乃理性、自主、及自決的主體,不得加以物化和客體化。康德「把人當作最終目的」的人性觀,對「人本教育」提供了一個很好的哲學基礎,而且,對人性尊嚴的詮釋影響深遠,他以人類理性本質,深化人性尊嚴,並以道德上的自律爲重要准則,基本上,不要把人看作只是一種工具或手段,人本身即是目的。 本論文正是擬從透過人性尊嚴的觀點探討人本教育的內涵與價值,而人本教育的目標與理想正是追求全人教育的實踐,而全人教育必須立基於人性尊嚴的醒覺,因此,從人原本具有的自主性、獨立性的主體屬性,亦即從「把人當作最終目的」的人性觀點來看,對人性尊嚴的發揚光大正是對人本教育目標之達成賦予新的意義,斯乃當作教育新的內涵與方向。 總而言之,人本價值在教育上所建的信念乃是健全的人格或完美的人(Perfected man)爲教育的最高目標。尊榮就是人格,是人格最光榮的完成,當人性尊嚴獲得維護與確保,人格的塑與陶冶就能得到正面的發展,而人本教育基本上就是發揚人性的教育,讓人性在愛的教育薰陶下得到正常健康的發展,則人格發展必定健全而無礙,一個擁有自主的、獨立的人格教育正是人本教育根本,由此論證從人性尊嚴出發探討人本教育的重要性正可以驗證當代大學教育的方向與展望,唯有基於人性尊嚴的大學教育才是人本教育的最終目標,也唯有重視人本教育的內涵與價值,才可以看出未教育的新希望。


全人教育 人本價值


Immanuel Kant, the great German philosopher, says, “Man is a main body of ration, self-assertion and self-determination.” It cannot be materialized or objectivized. Kant paves an excellent, philosophical foundation for humanistic education, for he regards humans as ultimate objects. Furthermore, his interpretation of human dignity has a profound influence on education. Based on ration of human nature, he intensifies human dignity and treats the moral discipline as an important principle. Basically, human beings cannot be thought of as a tool or a means. Humanity is its objective. The current study is to investigate the human self-assertion and values through the viewpoint of the human dignity. The objective and ideal of humanistic education are to seek the fulfillment of holistic education. Holistic education should be based on the awareness of human dignity. Therefore, human nature will be reviewed from the original nature of human self-assertion and independent main objective. Humanistic education is endowed with new definitions from the glorification of human nature. This is the new content and direction of the contemporary education. To sum up, the belief that is aimed at sound personality and perfect humanity should be based on education with human values. Dignity is human personality, and glorious achievement of human character. When human dignity is preserved and ensured, the shaping and cultivation of human personality will obtain affirmative development. Humanistic education is basically to develop human nature under the cultivation of love education, leading to affirmative development. Then, no doubt that human personality can be holistically developed. If normal, healthy development can be achieved by the nurturing of love education with humanity personality can be developed soundly and doubtlessly. A character education with self-assertion and independence is a root of humanistic education. This indicates that the importance of the investigation of humanistic education through human dignity. This proves that the direction and prospective of contemporary higher education is the aim of humanistic education, solely based on higher education with human dignity. Only when the content and value of humanistic education are highly thought of, will there be a new hope of future education.


