  • 期刊


Survey of the Need of Clinical Buddhist Chaplain in Taiwan Hospice Care Wards


安寧緩和醫療的全人照顧是兼顧臨終病人身心靈層面的專業照顧。因此,對于身心靈不同層面的專業建立與臨床介入模式的完整發展,是在國內漸趨成熟的安寧緩和醫療照顧中不可或缺的一環。本研究於2001年3-5月間,針對全國22家安寧緩和醫療機構共38位主要負責的醫護人員進行目前各機構內靈性照顧現况、臨床佛教宗教師的需求,以及參與各病房間聯合靈性會議的意願等調查。 調查結果發現:目前國內各安寧機構的靈性照顧工作仍傾向于多專業的共同照顧,僅部分教會醫院有專職的靈性照顧人員。38份問卷中,有相當高的比例(71%)有增聘臨床佛教宗教師的需求,89.5%有參與未來各病房間聯合性靈性會議的意願。在相關因素分析中,較重要的發現是增聘與轉介臨床佛教宗教師需求調查,隸屬教會醫院者滿意度較高,而增聘與轉介需求較低,具有統計學之意義。至于團隊對臨床佛教宗教師的服務內容與院方可提供宗教師的福利,問卷結果顯現的差异大,有待未來持續建立共識,健全發展臨床佛教宗教師的專業性照顧,成爲本土化安寧緩和醫療照顧團隊的一環。




Hospice palliative medicine is the total and the professional care of terminal patients in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Therefore, to establish the professions based on different stage of physical, mental and spiritual and to develop perfect clinical intervention model has become necessary part of indigenous hospice palliative medical care. This research was done from March to May, 2001. According to questionnaires done by 38 head of medical staffs from 22 hospice palliative care units, the following information was collected, for example: the status of spiritual care, the need of clinical Buddhist chaplain and intentions to attend the combined inter- hospital spiritual care conference etc. The result showed the spiritual care work in most of the hospice units were shared by many other professions. Only some church hospitals had full time professional spiritual care workers. In the 38 questionnaires, the ratio for the need of clinical Buddhist chaplains (71%) and (89.5%) for the combined inter-hospital spiritual care conference in the near future were pretty high. In the analysis of the related factors from the questionnaires, staffs of church hospitals were more satisfied with their spiritual care and the need of recruiting and introducing clinical Buddhist chaplain was relatively low in companison with non-church staffs (p<0.05) . The result also revealed that large differences in the expectations of the services provided by clinical Buddhist chaplains and staff welfare of the religions workers provided by hospitals. It remains continuous efforts to reach consensus in the future so that the professional cares of clinical Buddhist chaplains can develop fully and become a vital part of the indigenous hospice palliative medical team.
