  • 期刊


Spiritual Problems and Effectiveness of Spiritual Care in Cancer Patients


癌症一直佔國人十大死因之首位,由病患得知自己罹患癌症至其面對死亡,爲一段非常艱辛的路程,況且現代社會人與人間關係已漸漸地疏離,當一個人罹患癌症時,其內心可能常常必需孤獨地面對疾病的診斷、治療、與離開人世。因此護理人員如何於照護癌症病患期間提昇其靈性,使其於疾病中仍活的有意義,實爲一門重要的藝術。 文獻回顧發現大部份癌症患者均表示其有靈性照護之需求,但是忙碌的醫護人員常常最容易忽略癌症患者的靈性照顧,問題在於護理人員不熟悉靈性評估,且心靈困擾的定義特徵和導因尚未發展成熟,故臨床護理人員很少運用到此護理診斷,因此本子計畫的研究目地乃在融合30位癌症患者的訪談主題、文獻的建議,及北美護理診斷(2002)對心靈困擾的定義特徵和相關因素,以形成心靈困擾的定義特徵、相關因素、及成果指標量表,並根據相關因素設計靈性照護措施,且依照成果指標測試患者於照護措施前後,其靈性狀態的改變情況。 透過此研究,期許在學術上可建立一套完整的心靈困擾的定義特徵、相關因素、及成果指標量表。在臨床實務上,因護理人員對癌症患者內心深處的瞭解,可增進癌症患者生活品質中的靈性境界,使其活的更加有意義。在護理教學上,此研究結果可應用於專業護理概念教學的課程內容中。最後,透過此研究的癌症靈性照護,護理人員可實踐人性化關懷的護理精神,以提昇護理的專業地位。


癌症病患 靈性 護理照護


Cancer has been the leading death in Taiwan for a long time. It is a very difficult road for cancer patients from getting cancer to facing death. Especially, the relationship between people now day has become cold gradually. When one person gets cancer, his/her mind may face the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and death alone. How can nurses promote cancer patients' spirituality during the care and make their life more meaningful? It is an important art of nursing. From the literature review, the majority of cancer patients expressed the needs of spiritual care. However, nurses often ignore the spiritual care because of the busy routine works. The problem is that nurses do not familiar with the assessment of spirituality. Also, the definition characters of spiritual distress and its related factors have not developed completely. Therefore, nurses rarely apply this nursing diagnosis in the clinical settings. The purpose of this study is to combine the themes from interviewing 30 cancer patients, literature review, and NANDA diagnosis to develop a scale of definition characters, related factors and outcome criteria of spiritual distress. Also, the effectiveness of spiritual care will be evaluated by following the outcome criteria before and after the spiritual care. Through the study, in the academics, it is expected to develop the definition characters of spiritual distress, its related factors, and outcome criteria. In the nursing practice, nurses can understand the deep mind of cancer patients and that can improve patients' spirituality in the quality of life and make their life more happily. In nursing education, the results of this study can apply into the teaching protocol of nursing concepts. Finally, through the study, nurses can accomplish the spirit of caring that can promote professional status of nursing.


cancer patients spirituality nursing care


