  • 期刊

Characterization of Ethylene Glycol-Induced Urolithiasis Model in Rats



5組雄性S.D. 大白鼠分別餵食標準飼料,高鈣飼料,標準飼料+0.5%乙烯甘醇,高鈣飼料+0.5%乙烯甘醇,0.5%乙烯甘醇+維生素D。全部大白鼠皆分別飼養於新陳代謝籠中4週。每日記錄飼料量、飲水量,並收集24小時尿液,測量尿量,酸鹼值,鉅,磷,草酸,檸檬酸,肌氨酸酐。結果顯示高鈣飲食可導致血鈣過高,尿鈣過高,尿草酸過低和尿檸檬酸過低,但是無法發尿路結石產生,7隻大白鼠中,僅有1隻(14.3%)腎臟呈現輕度草酸鈣結晶沈著。餵食0.5% 乙烯甘醇之大白鼠,4隻(57.1%)產生腎結石,其中2隻合併產生細小膀胱結告。餵食高鈣飼料+0.5%乙烯甘醇之大白鼠,3天內皆呈病態狀態,其中7隻大白鼠(53.8%)在餵食6-11之後死已,其他殘存之6隻大白鼠則產生腎結石。5隻(71.4%)餵食0.5%乙烯甘醇+維生素D之大白鼠產生腎結石。誘發產生之尿路結石有三種形式:肉眼可見之結石,細小如雪花狀之結石,沈積於賢小管內草酸鈣結晶。尿路結石之成份大多數屬草酸成份,其他則屬碳酸鈣。我們認為單獨使用0.5% 乙烯甘醇或合併使用維生素D可有效誘發尿路結石,並且不致於損害大白鼠之腎之功能,因此一動物模式可運用來研究草酸鈣結石形成之機轉及治療方式。




The present study was performed to develop and to characterize urolithiasis animal models. Five groups of male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with control diet, hight calcium diet, control diet plus 0.5% ethylene glycol (EG) as drinking water, high calcium diet plus EG, and oral administration of vitamin D (0.5ug/48hr) plus EG. All treatments lasted for 4 weeks. Rats were housed individually in metabolic cage and daily intakes of food and water were measured. Twenty four hour urine samples were collected for measuring daily excretions of calcium, oxalate, cirtate, inorganic phosphates and creatinine. The result show that high calcim diet alone produced ypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypoxaluria and hypocitruria but failed to induce urinary stone formation. Only 1 of 7 (14.3%) rats in this group exhibited mild calcium oxalate crystal deposit. Four of 7 rats (57.1%) received 0.5% EG as drinking fluid had renal stone and 2 of these 4 rats with renal stone had tiny bladder stones. Rats fed with high calcium diet and 0.5% EG appeared moribund within 3 days and 7/13 rats died after 6-11 days of dietary treatment, whereas all remaining survivors had renal stone formatoin. There were 71.4% (5/7) of rats received 0.5 EG and vitamin D administration exhibiting renal stone formation. The formation of urinary tract stone was manifested in 3 forms: grossly visible stone, small white flakes (tiny stone) and crystal deposits within the renal tubules. The majority of renal stone obtained were calcium oxalate and the others were calcite. In conclusion, 0.5% EG alone or combined with viatmin D can effectively induced urinary tract stone without substantially jeopardizing renal function in rats which can be used as an appropriate animal model for studying the pathogenesis and management of calcium oxalate stone.
