  • 期刊


A Study of Children's Conceptual Development on Newton's Third Law


本研究的主要目的是要探討尚未學過牛頓第三運動定律的與兒童,對此概念的了解現況,並描述一般兒童的概念發展。本研究取樣三~八年級的兒童,先以訪談式了解影響兒童思考此定律內容的可能因素,據此設計概念試題作為本研究的工具,再以實象預測法(DLPT)施測,進行「大樣本」的資料蒐集與統計分析,以了解不同背兒童對第三定律主、次概念的了解現況,找出兒童在牛頓第三運動定律相關概念的一般性發展。由筆試工具所蒐集的資料,配合談時兒童觀點的陳述,本研究的主要發現如下: 一、兒童對牛頓第三動定律次概念的發展次序為:只考慮作用力→作用力與反作用力同時考慮→認識作用力與反作用力的大小。 二、兒童對「作用力與反作用力」的理解,大致上年級與概念成熟階段的增高而有發展的趨勢;在「作用力與反作用力大小」方面的概念發展情形並不明顯。 三、男女兒童在「反作用力」概念的平均得分達到顯著差異。 四、城鄉背景中,「鄉」的兒童概念成長低於其他背景者。 五、兒童隨著試題呈現之情境不同,對「概念」有不同表徵。 六、兒童對「作用力」與「反作用力」概念的情境認知,是動態情境先於靜態情境;對「作用力與反作用力大小」概念的情境認知,是靜態情境先於動態情境。 七、三、四年級以上的兒童,超過半數能體認有作用力存在;5年級以上的兒童有半數以上能體認動態情境的反作用力。而「作用力與反作用力大小」方面,影響兒童考慮的因素很多,已不能普遍地隨著年級增加而成長,縱使8年級的兒童對此概念也未見得有較好的理解。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate children’s understanding about the content of Newton’s Third Law, and to describe children’s conceptual development on Newton’s ‘Third Law. Semi-structured interviews was adopted with small samples to find out the factors which affected children’s thinking about Newton’s Third Law. Based on the findings of interviews, an instrument with DLPT examining technique was developed and was administered to a big-scale sample of 2734 grades three to eight students. They were randomly drawn between grade three and grade eight. The data were collected and analyzed by means of children’s written responses. The results revealed: 1.The concept development of children on Newton’s Third Law followed the sequential order of from “recognition of action force”, to“recognition of action-reaction forces”, to “awareness of the strengths of action-reaction forces”. 2.The concept development of children on action-reaction forces positively related to their grades and to their CMS levels, However, children’s cognition on the strengths of action-reaction forces did not follow along with the growth of neither grades nor CMS levels. 3.Sex made significant difference on children’s recognition of reaction force. 4.The concept development of rural children on Newton’s Third Law was slower than the development of children of other areas.


