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The Related Factors of Mathematics Underachievers for the Elementary School on This Population of Students


本研究旨在探討影響國小數學低成就學生數學成就的相關之因素。研究樣本計有:(1)受試樣本二千二百二十六人;(2)數學低成就學生與普通學生樣本各一百七十二人。所使用的研究工具包括:(1)國小系列學業性向測驗;(2)數學態度量表;(3)數學焦慮量表;(4)數學投入動機量表;(5)國小五年級數學成就測驗;(6)國小五年級數學計算問題測驗等。 針對本研究實證分析之結果與討論,歸納出研究結果如下: 一、數學低成就學生之數學態度、數學焦慮、數學投入動機與數學成就間有顯著相關。 二、不同性別與不同父母學歷的數學低成就學生之數學態度有顯著差異。 三、不同性別、不同父母學歷與不同作業時間的數學低成就學生之數學焦慮有顯著差異。 四、不同性別與不同作業時間的數學低成就學生之數學投入動機有顯著差異。 五、不同性別及不同父母學歷的數學低成就學生之數學成就有顯著差異。 六、數學低成就學生數學態度之各分量表對其數學成就有顯著預測力。 七、數學低成就學生數學焦慮之擔憂、厭惡及壓力知覺分量表對其數學成就有顯著預測力。 八、數學低成就學生數學投入動機之各分量表對其數學成就有顯著預測力。 九、國小學生之數學態度、數學焦慮及數學投入動機能顯著區別普通學生與數學低成就學生間之差異。 最後根據研究結果,分別對教學及後續研究等方面提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the related factors of mathematics underachievers for the elementary school on this population of students. Three groups of participants of this study were including: (1) tryout samples (n=2226), (2) participants were 172 elementary-school of mathematics underachievers and 172 matched controls. Test battery in this study incorporated the following measures respectively: (1) The series of academic aptitude battery for the elementary students, (2) Mathematics attitude scales, (3) Mathematics anxiety scales, (4) Mathematics involved motivation scales, (5) Test Battery of Mathematics achievement for fifth grade students, (6) The Calculation Diagnostic test Battery for five grade students. The results of this study were listed in three parts as follows. 1. There were significant associations between mathematics attitude, mathematics anxiety, mathematics involved motivation, and mathematics achievement. 2. There were also significant differences between sex and educational level of parents on mathematics attitude of mathematics underachievers. 3. There were also significant differences between sex, educational level of parents, and the time of performance on mathematics anxiety of mathematics underachievers. 4. There were also significant differences between sex and the time of performance on mathematics involved motivation of mathematics underachievers. 5. There were also significant differences between sex and educational level of parents on mathematics achievement of mathematics underachievers. 6. There was significant prediction of subscales of mathematics attitude to mathematics achievement of mathematics underachievers. 7. There were significant prediction of scores of worry, dislike, and perception of stree on the subscale mathematics anxiety to mathematics achievement of mathematics underachievers. 8. There were significant prediction of all subscales of mathematics involved motivation to mathematics achievement of mathematics underachievers. 9. The mathematics attitude, mathematics anxiety, and mathematics involved motivation could discriminate significantly the normal students and mathematics underachievers. Finally, implications and future studies, instruction were discussed.


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