  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Metacognitive Ability and Creative Thinking Ability between Gifted and Regular Students


本研究主要在比較資賦優異學生與普通學生、國中資優學生與國小資優學生、資優男生與資優女生之後設認知能力及創造思考能力之差異性。以做為進行後設認知能力與創造思考能力教學的參考依據。 本研究以自編之後設認知測驗與拓弄思語文創造思考測驗(乙式)進行研究,主要利用多變項變異數分析進行考驗。其研究結果顯示如下: 1.資優女生的部分後設認知能力表現高於資優男生;國中資優學生的部分後設認知能力表現高於國小資優學生及國中普通學生與國小普通學生;國小資優學生的部分後設認知能力表現高於國小普通學生;國中普通學生的部分後設認知能力表現高於國小普通學生。 2.資優學生的創造思考能力表現高於普通學生;國中學生的創造思考能力表現高於國小學生。 本研究除對研究結果加以討論外,研究者並提出若干在教學上的意義,及進一步之研究建議,以作為資賦優異學生與普通學生後設認知能力與創造思考能力教學與研究之參考。


The purpose of this study were to examine the discrepancies in metacognitive ability and creative thinking ability between gifted and regular students in terms of their grade and gander. This study use three-way multivariate analysis of variance was applied to analyze the discrepancies in metacognitive ability and creative thinking ability. The main finding of this study were as follows: 1. Female gifted students outperformed male gifted students in part of their metacognitive abilities; junior high school gifted students were superior to elementary school gifted students, junior high schools' and elementary schools' regular students in terms of partial metacognitive ability; elementary school gifted students outperformed elementary regular students in terms of partial metacognitive ability; junior high school regular students were superior to elementary school regular students in terms of partial metacognitive ability. 2. gifted students were superior to regular students in creative thinking ability; junior high school students scored higher than elementary school students in creative thinking ability. Further discussion was made on the basis of the these findings and some suggestions on teaching and future research were offered.


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