  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Parents Learning Dialogic Reading to Prompt Shared-Book Reading Skills


本研究旨在探討學習對話式閱讀(dialogic reading,簡稱DR)後,家長與兒童閱讀互動行為表現之變化。研究採用單一受試法跨受試多基線設計,以大臺北地區六對親子為研究對象。為探討實驗的複製性效果,故將對象分為兩組,A 組家長執行基線期(3 週)、介入期(6 週)、以及維持期(2 週);B 組家長執行基線期(5 週)和介入期(6 週)。兩組家長均接受6 週的DR 學習課程,並每週與研究者面談一次,以了解DR 在家中的實施情形。研究結果以描述統計、圖示法以及目視分析法分析,輔以觀察與訪談家長等資料探究社會效度。綜合本研究結果發現:(1)家長在學習DR 後,使用此策略與兒童共讀的行為立即增加,且在介入結束後,仍持續使用;(2)從兩組家長學習DR 後的共讀表現可知,DR 具有複製性成效;(3)家長對於以一對一教學加上影片示範的學習方式,接受度佳、反應成效好。本研究除了對研究結果詳加討論之外,並提供實務執行與後續研究之建議,以做為以家庭為中心之介入模式的初步規劃。


The aim of this study was to investigate the shared reading skills of the parents of language delayed preschoolers after learning dialogic reading (DR). The multiple baseline design across subjects was implemented in this study. Six language development delayed preschoolers and their mothers from Taipei area were invited to take part in this study. In order to examine the reproducibility of experimental results, the participants were divided into two groups. One group performed three periods--baseline (3 weeks), intervention (6 weeks) and maintaining (2 weeks), and another group only performed baseline (5 weeks) and intervention (6 weeks). Both groups of parents received a 6-week DR-learning course, and met with the researcher every week, in order to understand how they applied DR skills with their children during shared-reading at home. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, figure illustration, and visual analysis. Direct observations and parents interviews were implemented supplementary for exploring the social validity. The results of this study were as follows: First, after a brief learning, the parents increased using DR skills during shared-reading, and also maintained these skills after intervention. Second, DR showed a good replicability since both groups of parents demonstrated the similar learning patterns. Third, the parents responded well to one-on-one teaching and video demonstrations. In addition to discussion of results, this study also provide suggestions for clinical practice and future research, and hoping it would be useful for people who are interested in implementing family-centered intervention.


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