  • 會議論文



脫層破壞(Delamination Fracture)為纖維強化複合材料最常見的破壞型式,本研究目的在以模態分析方法探討石墨纖維/環氧樹脂復合材料破壞程度與結構特性參數的關係。模態分析的目的是經由實驗得到結構反應,解析出結構的特性參數,以求得在不同的環境中,破壞程度與結構特性參數的關係,並由實驗資料建立適當的數學模式,以期能用來預測材料結構的破壞情形。木研究使用DCB(Double Cantilever Beam)試片來探討張裂式(mode Ⅰ)負荷下常溫之脫層破壞,並探討試片暴露於高溫環境後,裂縫長度與自然頻率及阻尼因子間的關係。實驗結果顯示DCB試片的自然頻率隨裂縫增長而遞減,阻尼因子則隨裂縫增長而遞增,經熱損害處理之試件,在暴露於同溫度狀況下隨暴露時間增加,自然頻率亦隨之增加,當暴露於300℃以上的高溫時,由於材料材質的劣化,造成結構特性參數的變化無一定的趨勢。


The objective of this paper is to study the relationship between delamination fracture and vibrational properties of graphite/epoxy composite materials. A dynamic model was established for a double cantilever beam (DCB) type specimen and associated equations representing natural frequency and damping ratio were derived. Experiments have been carried out to test the feasibility of the proposed model. It indicates that as the crack length of the specimen is less than 60 mm, the proposed model matches the actual response very well. Experimental results have also shown that as the crack length increases, the natural frequency decreases, but the damping factor increases. When the specimen was exposed to high temperature for appropriate time, both natural frequency and damping factor increase.
