  • 期刊


Working the Dyadic Research and Thinking: The Case Analysis of a Whole Family


本研究目的欲對配對研究加以介紹。本研究採用質性研究及配對研究法,訪談一個家庭中共六位受訪者的代間矛盾經驗,整理出不同代間及不同性別的代間經驗,並呈現出彼此觀點相同及相異之處,研究發現如下: 親代對「女兒與媳婦」的互動以及已婚子代女性對「婆家與娘家」的對應,同樣有著「文化規範與情感親疏」的矛盾。姻親親代對子代存有「求全與界限」的顧慮,姻親子代對親代則有「努力融入,卻仍有情感區隔感」的缺憾。 而兩代間觀點不同處,則包括:親代描述的家庭關係氣氛要較子代為正向,對經濟議題所引發的親子界限混淆不敏銳,同時在言語中也傳遞著自己努力因應時代改變的開明形象及無所偏袒的公平印象;但子代並不這麼認為。 此外,子代男性婚後忠誠對象希冀面面俱到,而子代女性婚後則很清楚以婚姻家庭為主。 研究者針對前述研究結果加以討論,對本土代間關係的意涵作探究,並提出對未來研究的建議。


The purpose of this research was to introduce the dyadic research method. In-depth interview of qualitative approach and dyadic research method were adopted. After interviewing 6 participants in one family, the similarities and differences of their intergenerational ambivalent experiences were integrated. The major findings were summarized as following: The similar experiences between paternal parents and descents were two areas: First, Paternal parent and female descent both felt contradictions of ”culture norm or affectionate intimacy” when they had interactions with daughters and daughters-in-law or their own parents and parents-in-law. Second, Paternal parent had contradictions of ”compromise or limit” when facing his sons-in-law or daughters-in-law, while male and female descents had feeling of making effort to merge into his (her) couple's family, but they did not view him (her) as one of them. The different intergenerational ambivalent experiences were: The family phenomenon which paternal parents described were more posit than descents did. The paternal parents didn't sensitize to the boundary enmeshment between generations for economic issues. And the paternal parents viewed themselves as open and fair figures. But their descents didn’t think so. For a male descent, he had ”loyalty conflicts” between his original family and his married family. While for a female descent, her priority was to take care her married family. The contributions of the results are discussed and further researches are also suggested.


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