  • 期刊


Cultural and Creative Product Design Model-A Case Study of Beitou's Fineness Product Plan


「數位典藏」國家型科技計畫之目標,係將珍貴的歷史文物作數位化典藏,以保存國家文化資產,建構公共資訊系統促使精緻文化能夠資訊化、普及化、大眾化與生活化,結合科技與人文,達到推動產業和經濟發展的目的。 「文化創意產業」納入「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」,顯示台灣經濟發展面臨轉型的殷切,已經是全國的共識。在知識經濟的時代,文化與產業的關係日益密切,文化是需要花錢投資的產業,而產品也可以透過文化的加值成為賺錢的產業。對產業而言,文化加值創造了產品價值的核心;對文化而言,產業是推動文化發展的動力。因此,如何透過傳統文化的解析,將其文化轉換成創意產品,正是「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」中的文化創意產業的目的。 「社區營造」從地方文化認同、地方文史資源、環境保育、生態保護、民俗藝術傳承,公共服務、增添社會福利服務內涵、提昇地方生活環境品質等等項目,展現出民間活潑的生命力與真摯的本土關懷,給予台灣社會新的生機。 因此,本文整合數位典藏、文化創意產業與社區營造,並與北投文化基金會合作,透過北投溫泉博物館的數位典藏資料,深入社區了解地區文化特色,將北投的文化人物「故事化」,經由創意加值,使其變成文化創意商品。


The purpose of National Digital Archive Program is intended to digitize the national cultural property into a public information system. Based on the internet, the digital archive is become an open, general, popular and daily-life information system. By combine science, technology and humanities, the information will make progress to industry and economic development. The government officially listed the ”Cultural and Creative Industries” into the ”Challenge 2008 National Development Plan” in 2002. With the Development Plan for the Cultural and Creative Industry, products with local cultural characteristics are expected to be developed through a combination of art creativeness and commercial operations, which will not only deepen people's cultural identities toward their own cultures but also increase the added value for these industries. The target of ”Community Construction Plan” is to protect from the place cultural approbation, historiography resource, environmental conservation, and ecosystem. In additions, the plan increases a social welfare service content and promote living environment quality, and gives Taiwan social new source of vitality. Therefore, by integrated the digital archive, the cultural and creative industry and the community construction, the purpose of this paper is intended to study how to transfer the ”cultural property” into the product design, and how to design for ”cultural creative product” by story-telling to reinforce design value up.


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