  • 期刊


The Packing Vision Image Research~Take the Bali Area "Pomelo Fragrant Beauty Fruit Vinegar and Fruit Tea" as the Example


本文以戰國時期一件北方草原地區出土的黃金牌飾爲分析對象,試圖發掘一種文獻以外的美學意涵。本文在「器之顯現」的四個主要因素,即「質料因」、「動力因」、「形式因」與「目的因」,從工藝、現象觀察、形式分析、考古脈絡、圖像意涵等方法的多元視野,以交疊出此器物的豐富文化意涵。本文並參考當代理論中所強調觀者的視界融合因素,試圖在文獻不足的有限條件下分析戰國時代北方民族的審美觀與世界觀。 本文透過黃金牌飾畫面的形式構圖,發現其審美觀係表現在「多元視點」的並置、以及「二元對立」上。這種衝突與其說是負面的力量,不如說是一種生命必須接受的自然法則,是一種物競天擇的自然法則,一種絕對化的自然,一種只能遵守不能對抗的超越性自然。


Suggesting the concept of ”one town one product”, local culture and their particular product is one of the ways to promote tourism industry which has been carried out by the government in recent years. This study intends to comprehend the uniqueness and needs of the cultural product, generalizing the symbolic image and the features of its shape for the reference of after researchers, and furthermore to find out the methods and patterns of applying the visual image on the local industries. Centering on the relation between visual packaging, brand image, marketing plan and the entire local culture, this study aims to research and collect the historical and cultural information, together with the interview with the industry, followed by a complete analyze and advices. The result of this study, including the suggestion on color, pattern, typeface and shape which is related to the visual effect designing, will later become the reference for the marketing and design professional.


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