  • 期刊


A Research on Characteristics and Piano Techniques of Muczynski's Suite for Piano


穆欽斯基的《鋼琴組曲》曾先後獲國際現代音樂學會獎以及第二屆澳洲雪梨國際鋼琴大賽之決賽指定曲。本研究希望透過深入探討此作品之創作內涵與鋼琴技巧,能對教學者與演奏者有所助益。研究方法是以分析《鋼琴組曲》的創作特徵與歸納整理鋼琴技巧在教學上的重點。在創作特徵的探討將包含組曲的六首小品之樂曲架構的分析、音型與節奏特徵的探討等。彈奏技巧之探討則包含力度的控制、指法之選擇、與踏瓣的建議。 研究的結果發現,樂曲架構的選擇以傳統的曲式爲主,曲調與伴奏大量運用不規則的二度與四度音程,組合成各類變奏音型,自由的運用無調式與複調式。稜角分明的曲調取材精簡單純,較常用於快板樂章裡。節奏最大的特質,就是時常利用不規則的音群組合,製造節奏錯置的效果。 在演奏技巧方面,從快速變化的音型、即興的變化拍子與音高、不規律的節奏與音階進行、突然的音域移位與音量變化、不協和的和聲語彙等,均須要極高的注意力與分析實驗,才能呈現作品的原味。本研究可作爲二十世紀鋼琴教學曲目的參考,並可提供教學與演奏者詮釋之依據。


Robert Muczynski's piano works represent the second half of the 20th century individual style. His Suite for Piano won a top prize at the International Society for Contemporary Music Award, and was chosen as the featured work in the finals at the second International Piano Competition at Sydney, Australia. Freshness and highly originality make him an important role in the 20th century music. This research focuses on the music analysis and the discussion of piano techniques. It contains formal analysis, characteristics of melodic contours and rhythms, the balance of force, choices of fingering, and suggestions of pedaling. The traditional formal structures including through-composed, two-part form, and three-part form are used at this suite. The melodic lines and chords are built massively on the 2nd and 4th intervals. The irregular combinations of these intervals transform into various types of melodic contours and rhythms. The angular melodic contours, which are frequently found at the fast movements, make use of economic materials. Atonality and polytonality are freely used here. Except abrupt changing meters, the favor of hemiola is the typical rhythmic characteristic. Piano techniques contain swiftly changed music patterns and meter, irregular rhythms and scales, abrupt ranges and dynamics shift, and dissonant harmonic language. Although definite instructions were offered by the composer, the balance of force, choices of fingering, and pedals require perfecting through apprehension of the music patterns, expression, and grouping of music materials. This research provides pedagogical reference and performing interpretation of Muczynski's piano music. It is also hoped to arouse the interest to a further research on 20th century piano repertoire.


Anderson, E.(1982).Robert Muczynski. Contemporary American Composers: A Biographical Dictionary.Boston:G.K. Hall & Co.
Baker, T,Nicolas Slonimsky.(1958).Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians.New York:G. Schirmer.
Beck, H.(1966).The golden age of the suite.New York:Leeds Music Corp.
