  • 期刊


Jiangxi, Kinmen, and Taiwan: The Life History of Chang, Sheng Hua, A Student of the Raging Tide Academy




胡璉 第十二兵團 怒潮學校 江西 金門 外省人


Chang, Sheng Hua was an exiled student of the Raging Tide Military and Political Academy founded by General Hu, Lien. In 1949, the People's Liberation Army invaded Jiangxi. Since Chang's hometown Dongxiang County had been ruled by the Soviet Republic of China, as the landlord class, the Chang family did not trust the Communist Party of China and let the eldest son Chang, Sheng Hua escape and leave alone. Chang, Sheng Hua and his schoolmates fled to the southern counties controlled by the Kuomintang of China. They joined the 12th Corps of the National Army as soldiers in Quangchang. As they marched to Huichang, the Raging Tide Academy was recruiting students, so they decided to enroll as students, and afterwards, they went to the south with the Academy under the escort of the corps. On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China (PRC) was established, meanwhile, Chang was on the ship sailing across the Taiwan Strait to Taiwan. Chang, Sheng Hua's escape and his uncle -Chang, Run Zhu's resistance brought the Chang family serious persecution under the reign of the PRC. Fortunately, the Changs survived on the efforts of his cousins -Chang, De Hua and Chang, Kuo Lung. On the other side of the Taiwan Strait, Chang, Sheng Hua was dreaming to counterattack on the Mainland. After graduating from the Raging Tide Academy, he went to Fu Hsing Kang College and engaged in political warfare. He had participated in the counterattack on Dongshan Island and the 823 Artillery Bombardment in Kinmen. After leaving the combat troops, he completed his university studies, got married, and had children. After the Taiwan government allowed family visits to the Mainland China, he finally had the chance to visit Jiangxi again after 44 years. Chang, Sheng Hua built new houses for his family in Jiangxi to make up the days they suffered. He was also pleased about the gradual development and the improvement of people's life under the reign the PRC and Deng, Xiao Ping' leadership. But now he has another home in Taiwan. His family in Taiwan feel no nostalgia for Jiangxi. As time goes by, Chang is too old to visit Jiangxi. Taiwan becomes his homeland too. Just like other thousands of the mainlanders, his blood not only sprinkled on the land of Taiwan, but also flowed into Taiwanese bodies. Chang, Sheng Hua's life history is the typical story of Taiwan mainlander military personnel of his generation.


余杰,2014 ,〈老兵不死,孫立人之臺灣寂寥〉,《新頭殼》,臺北:先驅媒體社會企業股份有限公司,2014年7月17日
