  • 期刊


Discussing the Punishment of Soldiers Being Unfit and Retired from Active Service from the Perspective of Rule by Law




法制 不適服現役 退伍 汰除 考績


In order to achieve the transformation of national defense, while purifying the manpower quality of the national army, and enhancing the combat effectiveness of the army, the government has formulated relevant laws and decrees to deter illegal officers and soldiers. At the same time, it adopts a policy of "strict assessment and strict elimination" to strictly enforce military discipline. Therefore, if an active serviceman commits a misconduct and believes that a veteran who is not suitable for active service has been imposed, he shall be punished. As for the service, performance appraisal and relief of military personnel, their right to work and status are very significant. In addition, at the level of rule by law, there are also procedural disputes about court review density and Due Process of Law. In substance, it also has a dispute over whether a single offense is determined and whether it conforms to the principle of proportionality and equality. This article uses the administrative court's decision as a discussion sample, from the perspective of rule by law, how to establish a warm environment that complies with human rights under the premise of both the requirements of rule of law and the commander in chief power in order to ensure the integrity of the law.


立法院,2020,《立法院公報》,第 89 卷第 5 期委員會紀錄,頁 138,網址:https://lis.ly.gov.tw/ttscgi/lgimg?@xdd!cecac6cecbcecec7cec781c7c6cfcacfcec4cfcfc6c6c4cfcecbce,最後瀏覽日:2020 年 2 月 10 日。
吳佳倫,2017,〈軍人懲罰制度落實正當法律程序之初探〉,《國防行政法制論文集(一)》,頁 23-57。
李惠宗,2003,〈憲法上工作權保障系譜之再探—以司法院大法官解釋為中心〉,《憲政時代》,第 29 卷第 1 期,頁 132。
