  • 期刊


A Study on the Effects of Support Group Intervention for Women with Cervical Cancer



社會工作常將團體工作方法運用於病友輔導,但以研究角度評估團體處遇是否有效,卻相當缺乏。研究者多年在醫務社會工作領域裡深刻體會,處遇技巧的評估與研究將有助於專業能力的提昇,所以本研究嘗試採用多元方法研究:量化與質化並行模式。研究者結合統計取向與臨床取向的研究角度,分別由量性研究觀點,探討子宮頸癌婦女接受支持性團體介入方案的成效,以及採用質性研究觀點,了解團體歷程所帶給團體成員的影響力。 研究結果結論如下:(1)支持性團體對子宮頸癌婦女「疾病不確定威」、「焦慮程度」方面,在統計評量上有顯著性的改善,但在「憂鬱程度」方面,並無顯著性的改善效果(接近顯著性,P=0.067)。質性資料反映出改善效果屬於起伏型類型者,在疾病壓力因應技巧上較以問題導向行為因應。(2)團體成員對團體的滿意面向,以經驗分享、情緒表露、資訊獲得、社會性支持居多。團體幫助性因素較偏向情緒及壓力調適。(3)本研究屬於小團體,所以統計考驗要達顯著性必須前測與復測分數差距很大,才能達顯著性,而本研究的結果多達顯著性,因此更凸顯支持性團體之效果。


Support group is often used in counseling in clinical social work. However, rare research evidence sustains effects from group therapy. Assessment of intervention skills and research are strongly believed to be helpful for promotion of professional ability. As a result, Multiple-mode research is used in this study; quantitative and qualitative approaches are implemented simultaneously. From quantitative approach, outcomes are explored which are revealed by women with cervical cancer involving in support group. From qualitative research, group process is analyzed to comprehend effects to group members. Results: (1) Uncertainty of illness and levels of anxiety show there is significant improvement by group therapy, however, effects does not present any significance in levels of depression (p=0.067). As can be seen from qualitative evidence, there is a tendency to behave problem-orientated to cope with stress from diseases. (2) Sharing experience, disclosure of emotion, gain of information and social support are main factors revealed by members to group. Adjustment on emotion and stress are mostly ones obtained from group support. (3) This study is based on small group. In order to reach significant difference, ranges in scores between pre-test and post-test should be large. Effects from support group are accentuated by significance in results in this study.


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