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  • OpenAccess


A Study on the Influence of Children 's Physical Ability Course on Children' s Static Balance




Purpose: This study is to explore the impact of the implementation of physical fitness courses on the static balance of children, with a variety of physical game courses involved to understand the static balance of children to change the situation. Methods: In this study, 20 to 6 years old children were enrolled in the study group, 20 experimental groups, 20 control groups, a total of 40. The experimental group was followed up for four weeks and eight times each time for thirty minutes of physical fitness course teaching. The static balance ability test was performed before and after the teaching. The results were compared with the control group. According to the results of the static balance ability test of the children before and after the physical game course, the difference between the t test and the descriptive statistics as the static balance ability is analyzed. Results: Before and after the teaching, the experimental group in the closed eyes single foot test has made significant progress, the control group is no difference. With the independent sample t test, the static equilibrium ability t value was .372, significant. 626, the data analysis results were not significant. It can be seen that there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. Conclusion: There is no significant difference in the static balance between the experimental group and the control group after the teaching of the children 's physical exercise course, but the static balance ability of the experimental group is improved. Therefore, this study shows that the static balance can be through the physical game after the intervention can effectively improve. If the child mentor can first assess the basic athletic ability of the child, give the child fitness curriculum, so that children develop their own basic ability to operate the body as a basis for future control and use of physical capacity in order to achieve the purpose of enhancing the static balance.


infant physical game static balance
