  • 期刊


A Secure Blockchain-SIM Architecture for Mobile Communications




SIM 區塊鏈 智能合約 隱私性


With the progress and advancement of technology, people pay more attention to information security. In the age of advanced communications and rampant hackers, the centralized storage of traditional SIM cards and eSIMs, the data storage and transmission all bring security concerns and privacy issues. Therefore, the study proposes a block-chain-based SIM architecture, which uses the block-chain as a distributed ledger through the combination with smart contracts, and the use of decentralized and non-manipulative features will change the security problems caused by centralized storage in the past. In our approach, the problem has also been improved to ensure the integrity of the data as well. Finally, we also introduced how to use our proposed architecture to implement the main functions of SIM.


SIM Blockchain Smart Contract Privacy


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