  • 期刊


The Study on Cultural Industry-For the North Amis' Custom


一般人到花東旅遊觀光,都會想要參觀原住民部落,體驗其生活文化。令人印象深刻的莫過於7月到9月的阿美族豐年祭,此外再也說不出什麼內涵。可見對阿美族文化之認識尚不如布農族(布農族有一個白牧師組織的布農部落)深入。筆者見阿美族號稱全台人口最多之族群,卻無法深入介紹自己文化,遑論將文化產業化。兩千零一年底台灣與中國大陸先後加入WTO(World Trade Organization)世界貿易組織,在農業、經濟或其他相關的市場,早已引起相關公務部門或民間普遍的關切與熱烈的討論。2002年政府正式將文化創意產業列為「挑戰2008:國家重點發展計劃」,本文順應當今世界各國皆積極發展的「文化創意產業」(Creative Industry)方向,以筆者居住的原住民族南勢阿美聚落(花蓮縣知亞干溪以北之阿美族群)為中心,探究歲時祭儀文化所具文化產業之獨特性,可讓文化得以永續復振,並研究其發展成觀光產業的潛能,不但使文化活化永續傳承,而且創塑無人競爭之全球在地化(Glocalization)的文化產業,使其充實觀光事業之文化內涵,直接與部落經濟文化結合,創造就業機會,增加部落生計收入,提升生活品質,建立族人自信。


The Harvest Festival is the largest festival of the Amis tribe. Held annually during the months of July, August, and September the festival has three stages, including welcoming the spirits, feasting the spirits, and sending the spirits off. In modern times, the ceremony has been shortened and the religious ceremonies simplified. Several activities have been added, including a race, tug-of-war and arrow shooting competition. The festivities, once limited to tribal participation, are now open to the general public. The local cultural industry includes natural scenery, agricultural products, tribal economy, historical monuments, local architecture, and folk custom, etc… This study will explore how Amis' Creative Industry and their culture construct the development of the local cultural industry in three dimensions: local culture/Globalizations, community development project and governmental policies in 2008.


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