  • 期刊


Application of the Imagery Training in Wrestling


本文主要是以心理學的意象訓練來作爲探討的議題,意象訓練在國外已經行之有年,在國內文獻其實不多,有鑑於此,所以想以本身的專長來探討有關意像訓練運用在角力運動上訓練方法。角力運動除了具備基本的技術及良好的體能之外,在心理學方面透過意象的訓練可增強選手對於技術上的成熟,藉由對該項動作的想像,不斷的經由在腦海中的想像模擬出動作,在經由平時與對手的練習可以加深對於該項動作的熟練,進而變成自己的得意技。 意象訓練必須透過長時間的訓練和有系統的計畫來實施,可在訓練期、調整期、比賽期、甚至於運動員受傷時,都可使用意像訓練。藉由運動員在腦中反覆想像某種動作或運動情境,提高運動技能和加深動作印象。意象訓練必須每天持續去做練習,並且設定目標使自己不至於怠惰,每做一次更能使動作更鮮明清楚,當在實際操作時更能夠容易的做出該項動作,針對角力選手在實施意象訓練時所需的認知及概念技巧來做說明,結合角力運動體能、技術提升選手的運動表現。 總而言之在競技運動的比賽中,除了在生理方面展現出絕佳的體能與技巧外,在心理方面也必須要有過人的意志力與想贏的企圖心,兩者相輔相成才能創造出傲人的成績。


The purpose of this study was to examine the imagery training of psychology The imagery training has been popular overseas for many years but study is not many. In consideration of this case, I would like to investigate the training method of the wrestling through the imagery training by professional specialty. Excluding having basic technique and fine physical strength of wrestling, the imagery training can strengthen the technique maturity of wrestling athletes in psychology. Through the imagination and simulation of the movement in mind and practice with competitors continuously, the movement will be skilled and become your own proud skill. The imagery training must be fulfilled through long-time training and systematic plan. It can put to use during the periods of training, adjustment, competition and even wound. Athletes improve their sport capacity and reinforce the impressions of the movements through imagining some movements or sport situations in mind repeatedly. The imagery training must be practiced continuously every day and set the target to prevent laziness. Every practice can make the movement more obvious and clear, and easier to do in the actual conditions. The purpose of this study was to explain the required cognition and conception in the imagery training period, and link up with wrestle physical strength and the sport performance of technological improvement athletes. To sum up, in the game of athletic sports, besides you should show your excellent skills and physical agility in physiology, you must have the extraordinary will and ambition that you are the winner in psychology, on account of physiology and psychology exist side by side and play a part together can make outstanding record.


