  • 期刊



依據「全國能源會議」之結論,為達成我國溫室氣休減量目標,應適時修訂提升主要用電器具能源效率標準,並納入國家標準實施商品檢驗,換言之,效率管理已被政府視為可採行之因應措施之一。效率管理可防止低效率的產品上市販售,可避免無謂的能源浪費,同時可促進業者重視研究發展,有助於產業技術升級。洗衣機進行能源效率標準提升研究,可促進其提升能源使用效率。 洗衣機為民生必需的家電產品,國內每年洗機相關電器銷售約六十萬台,每年耗電總量約160萬度。 由於洗衣機產品目前驗證登錄作業之中,缺少能源效率之管制項目,因此國內該類型家電全年所耗損之電能相當可觀,並因價格競爭,造成優質品反淘汰的不合理現象。經由探討洗衣機的發展趨勢與性能提升將有利偷能源效率的提升。


According to the conclusion of National Energy Conference, in order to achieve the goal of reducing global warming gases we should appropriately revise and raise the energy efficiency standards of major electric appliances, and adopt it to CNS and also implement the energy efficiency management. Another words, it has been taken for granted by the government that energy efficiency management is able to prevent inefficient product from introducing to the market, which is able to avoid extra energy wasting. It is also able to promote manufacturers to emphasize in research and development. As a result it will elevate the level of our industry technology. We will focus on the research of energy efficiency standards for Clothes Washers, to promote the energy using efficiency. Clothes Washers is one necessary domestic appliance, and the market for Clothes Washers is about 60 thousands per year in Taiwan. The total amount of Clothes Washers consumers about 1.6 million kW-hours of electricity annually in recent years. For absence of energy consumption regulation in the newly product testing procedure in Taiwan, design for energy efficiency is not usually more attention and what has been causing more energy wasted. Improving will contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency via the development trend and performance of probing into the Clothes washers
