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The Study of Preparation and Properties of Immobilized β-galactosidase


本研究使用能表現半乳糖甘酶β-galactosidase(β-gal)之Pichia Pastoris酵母菌,使用SDS/chloroform進行Pichia Pastoris酵母菌細胞通透(permeabilization),再利用洋菜膠(agar)將其進行固定。實驗分別以5種試劑進行酵母菌細胞通透測試,結果顯示以01.94×10^-3 % SDS /3.80 % chloroform通透效果最佳,其β-gal活性可達7.5×10^3 unit/mg cell,在將通透過後的酵母菌細胞用洋菜膠進行固定化測試,結果顯示以2% 洋菜膠之固定化效果最好。對此固定化酵素進行各種反應條件探討,最佳條件如下:在pH=7.5,溫度28℃,反應20分鐘的情況下酵素活性有最高值3.4×10^2 unit/mg cell。


β-D-galactosidase from Pichia pastoris ZGZA.Permeabilization of Pichia pastoris cells in relation to β-gal activity was carried out using SDS/chloroform to avoid the problem of β-gal activity. The cell Permeabilization were tested by using different ratio of SDS/chloroform and get a best ratio (1.94 × 10-3 % SDS / 3.80% of chloroform) to give highest β-gal activity (7.5 × 103 unit / mg cell).Next, the cell was immobilized on agar. Different process parameters (biomass load, pH, temperature, and incubation time) were optimized to enhance the highest β-gal activity .The highest β-gal activity was observed Immobilized of 2% agar with 9.94 mg DW yeast biomass after 20 min of incubation period at optimum pH of 7.5and temperature of 28℃.


immobilized galactosidase permeability yeast agar SDS / chloroform
