  • 期刊


The Ethical and Regulatory Framework for Genetic Research on Indigenous Peoples: A Preliminary Analysis


近年來隨著基因科技之發展,生物醫學界致力於探討疾病與基因之關係,因此在國際上以及許多國家內部都有進行基因檢體採集與儲存之計畫。有鑑於基因研究典範與過去醫學研究有所不同,而原住民族群又是特別容易受到基因研究影響的群體,因此本文乃針對原住民基因研究之倫理規範加以探討。本文採取自由主義多元文化論之立場,強調對原住民族特別保護之必要性,但同時應兼顧多元族群社會之相互尊重與利益協調,並保持個人應有的自主決定空間。 本文以「貝蒙特報告」所揭示之三項醫學倫理原則爲基礎,檢討其在基因研究上之適用性,並探討原住民應受到何種權利保障才符合醫學倫理之基本精神。本文認爲對原住民進行基因研究時,必須尊重原住民族作爲一個整體之利益,因此在集體協商方式上需要建立更詳細的規範架構。


In the past few years, biomedical researchers have focused their works on understanding underlying genetic links to complex diseases. These efforts have started several genetic sampling and databases projects, both on international level and individual countries. Since genetic research has very different impacts to participants than traditional medical research and indigenous peoples are always the most vulnerable to this research, this article tries to analyze the ethical framework for those genetic researches concerning indigenous peoples. For the basic presumption of this analysis, this article stands on the principles of liberal multiculturalism. Starting from the famous biomedical research ethical statement named Belmont Report, this article reviews the principles and adapts them to genetic research. In conclusion, the recommendations stress the importance of acknowledging the obligations that sample collectors should be responsible to indigenous peoples.


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