  • 期刊


Manichaeism Meets Buddhism: Traces in a Recently Published Sogdian Text


O. Chunakova、Federico Dragoni、Enrico Morano三位學者最近發表了一篇關於粟特文摩尼教雙葉寫本的論文(“A forgotten Manichaean Sogdian bifolio in Sogdian script"(一件被遺忘的粟特文摩尼教雙葉寫本),Written Monuments of the Orient, 2017(1), pp.3-25),並認為這件寫本描述的是摩尼教僧侶在摩尼教寺院的生活及義務。但是,筆者重新整理該寫本的釋文並對其內容進行解讀後發現,文中記載的其實是佛教僧侶在精神指導者去世後,每經過一百年逐漸墮落的情景。這一文本的獨特之處在於它以一種相當批判的方式描述了佛教僧侶的行為,而迄今為止,尚未找到摩尼教對佛教表示批駁否定態度的相關記載。如果該文只是選用佛教用語,廣泛表達的是摩尼教之外宗教的僧侶、寺院,那麼這件文字記錄也未必是反對佛教的。


In this article, the present author revises one Manichaean Sogdian text recently published by O. Chunakova, Federico Dragoni, and Enrico Morano, ("A forgotten Manichaean Sogdian bifolio in Sogdian script", Written Monuments of the Orient, 2017(1), pp. 3-25). In Chunakova et al.'s opinion, the text is about the life and the duties of Manichaean monks living in a monastery. By improving their text and translation the present author shows that it describes how Buddhist monks deteriorate in observing the commandments as centuries go by after a certain spiritual leader's death. The text is unique in that it describes the behaviors of Buddhist monks in a rather critical way, but it does not openly polemicize against Buddhism in accordance with the other Manichaean texts so far published.


Manichaeism Sogdian K. Salemann Turfan manuscripts Silk Road


吉田豊 〈ソグド語の敬語について〉,《中央アジア古文獻の言語學的.文獻學的研究》 (Contribution to the Studies of Eurasian Languages 10), 2006, pp. 81-94.
O. Chunakova, Federico Dragoni, and Enrico Morano, “A forgotten Manichaean Sogdian bifolio in Sogdian script”, Written Monuments of the Orient, 2017(1), pp. 3-25.
DMSB = Sims-Williams, N., and Durkin-Meisterernst, D., Dictionary of Manichaean Sogdian and Bactrian. (Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Subsidia, Dictionary of Manichaean Texts, Vol. III: Texts from Central Asia and China, Part 2), Turnhout,2012.
I. Gardner, The Kephalaia of the teacher, Leiden/New York/Köln, 1995.
I. Gardner, J. BeDuhn, and P. C. Dilley, The chapters of the wisdom of my lord Mani. Part III: pages 343-442 (Chapeters 321-347), Leiden / Boston, 2018.
