  • 期刊


The Entangled Interpretations on the Manuscripts on the Monastic Eulogies and their Related Murals from Dunhuang: With Special Reference to the Original Form of P. 2775




高僧讚 高僧畫像 P.2775 榜題 付法藏傳


The concept of the original form is crucial in studying Dunhuang manuscripts and paintings from a mutual and broad perspective. This applies to the study of the manuscripts on the monastic eulogies and their related murals. Since Wang Zhongmin's catalogue of the Pelliot collection, the manuscript P.2775 is usually regarded by contemporary scholars as the copy and excerpt of the Traditions [of the Causes and Conditions] of Transmission of the Dharma Treasury (Fu fazang yinyuan zhuan). While looking into its original form, one can find that it does not limit to this text, but includes many other contents. On the verso side it wrote the names of more than ten eminent monks such as Yijing, Monk Shi, and Liu Sahe, which could be the blueprint for the images of those masters for transmitting Dharma through the ages with mural inscriptions and their eulogies on some murals in Dunhuang. Therefore, in studying these images with the manuscripts P.2680, P.3727, P.2971 as well as some drafts for wall paintings, this paper attempts to build the connections between the manuscripts of monastic eulogies and murals, which will lead clearer interpretations on texts and images in Dunhuang.


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