  • 期刊


The Comparative Study of Residential Evacuation Decision and Behavior for the Vulnerable Debris Flow Areas


台灣地區自九二一大地震後,因土石鬆軟、地質愈形脆弱。每逢颱風豪雨之際,土石流潛勢區域內的民眾,莫不飽受生命與財產的威脅,疏散避難已成為常態。過去有關台灣疏散避難之研究,主要以「供給考量」為出發點,採用區位分派模式,透過最適化概念,分派避難資源。然而如此的規劃,卻從未以「需求」為考量,時常造成執行上的落差。近年來,台灣已有一些學者針對土石流潛勢區居民進行災害識覺及疏散避難行為之調查。然而,從國外的文獻似乎顯示隨著地區與文化的差異,各地區之居民疏散避難需求及行為亦不盡相同。因此,一昧地運用相同的模式,勸導民眾進行疏散避難,效果必定不彰。 本研究透過問卷調查的方式,針對土石流潛勢地區—南投縣水里鄉、新竹縣尖石鄉的居民,比較其對於土石流災害的認知情形與疏散避難之決策行為。分析結果顯示:在土石流消息來源上,水里鄉居民對於「電子媒體」、「平面媒體」、「行政單位的宣導」與「網際網絡」等四項土石流消息來源,其信賴程度明顯均低於尖石鄉居民。在土石流災害認知上,水里鄉居民對於「發生土石流的機會較高」、「土石流會造成生命財產損傷」與「獲得防災避難知識,能自救救人」等三項,其認知程度明顯均高於尖石鄉居民。在避難因素考量上,水里鄉居民對於「根據過去經驗判斷」、「看見風雨漸強」、「聽到疏散避難勸告」、「發現附近居民已開始疏散」、「過去的受災經驗」與「前往避難途中的安全性」等六項避難因素的重要性,明顯均高於尖石鄉居民。在避難場所選擇上,水里鄉居民對於「周圍環境的安全」、「習慣與熟人居住」等二項避難場所選擇因素的重要性,明顯均高於尖石鄉居民。在撤離之準備時間與疏散比例上,水里鄉居民平均疏散比例約29%,平均約花費2.62小時;尖石鄉居民平均疏散比例則約為14%,平均約需3.83 小時。


Since the 921 earthquake, the ground in Taiwan area has been softening and the geology has been becoming more unstable. The possibility of debris flow increases whenever there is heavy rainfall caused by a typhoon. In the past, most related evacuation researches in Taiwan were focused on supply approaches. However, lacking considering evacuees' needs, the implementation of evacuations was very critical. Recently, few researchers in Taiwan started to conduct researches on evacuation behavior as well as risk perception. However, literatures implied that the evacuation behavior may different due to local cultures. This research uses questionnaire survey method to compare the residents' evacuation decisions and behaviors in Shuili and Jianshih Townships debris flow vulnerable areas. This study finds that the residents in Shuili Township are significantly less relied on media, print, authorities, and internet than in Jianshih Township. In terms of the debris flow awareness, the residents in Shuili Township are significantly more agree on the higher chance of debris flow, the damage caused from debris flow, and the usefulness of evacuation knowledge than in Jianshih Township. In terms of evacuation decision-making influencing factors, the residents in Shuili Township significantly consider the past experience, the coming of rainstorm, evacuation advice, the evacuation of neighbor, disaster experience, and the safety of evacuating more important than in Jianshih Township. In terms of the choices of the shelter, the residents of Shuili Township significantly consider the safety of the shelter surrounding and living with the acquaintance more important than in Jianshih Township. The evacuation proportion in Shuili Township is about 29%, and the residents spent about 2.62 hours to complete the preparation for the evacuation. However, the average evacuation proportion in Jianshih Township is about 14%, and the residents spent about 3.83 hours to complete the preparation for the evacuation.


Debris flow Evacuation Decision factor Residents


