  • 期刊


Soil and Water Conservation Construction Works in Competitionof Public Construction Golden Award-Case Study of Pan-Yen Bridge and Shi-Hi village Greening Works


水土保持的理念乃是人類在開發利用土地之同時,基於維繫生產之永續,深知水、土資源之有限性,而必須加以保護、培育所獲致的共識。水土保持之意義即是以蓄水、保土為目標,在土地開發利用之同時確保水、土資源之安定,進而培育水土資源之充實與涵蓄,以防止水、土災害發生,或降低水、土災害規模,並維持土地永續利用與維護環境安定。鑒於「水土保持是以維持土地永續利用與維護環境安定為目標」,水土保持工程有別於一般土木、水利或建築工程,因此工程內容有其可以淋漓盡致發揮之處,對於參加公共工程金質獎競爭有其優勢之處。 公共工程金質獎主要指標為功能/經濟性、生態永續性及特殊性,其企劃手段應是從工程地點選擇、規劃設計及品質管理等三大項著手,然而工程規劃設計內容良莠決定一切競賽的成績。對於參加公共工程金質獎評選應該是機關團隊的一項團體戰,本文藉由以「鵬園橋上下游及旭海村環境綠美化二期工程」,獲得第七屆(95年)公共工程水利類金質獎經驗淺談,希望這些豐富的經驗能夠傳承各工程司共襄盛舉,並提供未來賡續爭取榮譽之參考。


Concept of soil and water conservation is to apply the principle of soil and water to reach the ultimate goals of stabilization, safety, and utilization as a means to bring sustainable benefits to human welfare. One shall first manage and treat soil and water for the purposes of safety and stabilization to prevent disasters from occurring. Therefore, soil and water conservation works are different from the traditional civil construction works, which became the advantage in competition of Public Construction Golden Award. The main index of Public Construction Golden Award includes the functional/economical factor, sustainable factor, and distinctive factor. The procedure of public construction includes sites selection, planning and design, as well as quality control, especially the planning and design is the most important one. Public Construction Golden Award is a competition among government organizations. This paper illustrated the experience of Pan-Yen Bridge and Shi-Hi village Greening Works in competition in the 7th Public Construction Golden Award-hydraulic category. We hope this paper will offer a direction for following engineers to win another award.
