  • 期刊


Colony, Medicine and Salvation Colonialism, Medicine and Salvation: A Study on Inoue Inosuke's Ethnography of Tayal in the Japanese Occupation


人類各族群透過征服,傳染病與滅族行動而互動的歷史,就是塑造成現代世界的力量。日本自明治維新起,師法德國醫學,建立起一套符合西方標準的醫學體系,1895年以後,日本殖民政府帶給台灣一套在母國初步奠定基礎的西方醫學模式。西醫的引入,成為日本殖民者政治權威與社會控制的有利根源,在「近代化-殖民主義」觀點下,西醫等同近代化的象徵,被視為是科學的、客觀的,常將醫學去政治化(de-politicized),以醫學證明殖民統治代表理性和進步,將部落的醫療斥為迷信和巫術,充其量只是危險的經驗主義,原住民傳統醫學與相關知識被當成落後的代表。在殖民主義與近代醫學的發展過程裡,殖民擴張不僅帶來新的醫學,也造成疾病傳播新的型態,這些疾病與殖民經濟的開發密切相關,日本帝國為了開發台灣森林資源所帶來的軍事討伐、道路建設、造林、樟腦寮、集團移住、甚至稻田水利措施,深深影響了瘧疾、傷寒、流行性感冒等傳染疫病在山地區域內的傳播,而背後的動機又指向跨國資本主義的樟腦貿易。 殖民地醫學發展與疾病的控制代表了日本與泰雅族二種文化間的衝突過程,其中還並涉及基督教的宣教部分。本文以泰雅族社會內部的道德結構(gaga),以及日治時期一位同時兼顧公醫、基督教宣教師身份的日本人-井上伊之助,於1926年出版的行醫日記《生蕃記》為主要文本,探討20世紀殖民初期(1911-1917)泰雅族與西方現代化醫學的接觸過程,透過流行性疾病傳染與泰雅人出草防疫的辯證,討論部落傳統醫療、獵頭、以及資本主義經濟(樟腦、水稻)與疾病的相互關連。


殖民 醫療 原住民 井上伊之助 泰雅族


Modern society is formed by the history of conquest, epidemic and genocide among ethnic groups. Since the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan had established their western-styled medical system by adopting German medical science. This western-styled medical system was brought into Taiwan since 1895. It could be used not only as political authority of Japanese government but also as an effective tool for social control. Under the viewpoint of modernization-colonialism, western medicine was seen as an equivalent to modernization. It was also used as a proof of reason and advancement because it was believed to be scientific, objective and de-politicized. But on the other hand, tribal medicine was considered superstitious, necromantic, and dangerous empiricism. Under the development of colonialism and modern medicine, colonial expansion was accompanied not only the new medical science but also new types of disease which were deeply related to the colonial economical development. In order to exploit forest resource, some activities such as Military expedition, forestation, emigration and even irrigation were inevitably involved in spreading diseases of malaria, typhoid fever, influenza and so on. The motives of exploitation activities, after all, got something to do with the international trade of camphor business. Colonial medical development and disease control represented the conflict between Japanese and Tayal culture. Using the 1926-published diary of Inoue Inosuke, who was a government doctor and missionary, this paper focuses on the circumstances of how Tayal's coming in contact with western medicine during 1911~1917. Through dialectics between epidemic and head hunting, the author also aims to discuss the connection among Tayal's traditional medicine, head hunting and capitalist economy (camphor, paddy).


Colony medicine aboriginal people Inoue Inosuke Tayal


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