  • 期刊


A Study for Developing the Global Logistics Management in the Export Processing Zone


加工出口區為國內製造與外銷經驗最久之特區,近年來隨著國內產業的發展,也朝向高科技產業轉型。而經建會所提「全球運籌發展計畫」所需產業環境條件在大高雄地區皆隱約可見。因此,本研究即針對加工出口區在全球運籌之發展,以多評準決策方法中之層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)提出構想及策略方向,提供國內產、官、學界參考。本研究建立三階層之AHP模式,進行問卷調查分析,並綜合政府單位、區內事業及學術研究機構等三方面觀點,提出五個考量構面,其排序依次是「關務面」、「作業面」、「行政面」、「人才面」、「建設面」等。同時,本文亦界定發展全球運籌所需之五個功能,即「製造」、「轉運」、「加工」、「倉儲」、「資訊」等。未來,加工出口區之全球運籌發展策略則可朝向「營運總部運籌中心」、「採購供應運籌中心」、「加價值服務運籌中心」等三大方案發展,藉由內在環境之配合,使加工出口區區內事業皆能進行全球市場的產品設計、採購、生產、行銷、物流等整體管理。


The Export Processing Zones (EPZs) are Taiwan's most experienced economic special zones, both in manufacturing and exporting. Most of the EPZs are in the greater Kaohsiung area that clusters with heavy industries. Furthermore, the Kaohsiung seaport and airport both support the global logistics activities. In addition, the Multi-functional Economic and Trade Park (METP) initiated by the Kaohsiung City Government provides the EPZs with the required environment for the activities of trade, banking and information in the global logistics management (GLM). To establish a strategy for building up the global logistics management environment in the EPZs, this paper adopts the AHP method to develop a three-level hierarchy, which includes the dimension, function, and alternative. Five dimensions are identified and prioritized to achieve the strategic goal of building up the GLM environment. Then, five functions to be processed in the GLM are identified. Finally, three alternatives for an enterprise to adopt in the GLM are identified and prioritized. The survey is done with respect to three groups of experts coming from government, industry and universities, respectively. The weights for each dimension, function and alternative are collected, and the preferences for different alternatives are summarized, too.


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