  • 期刊


Use of Ground Penetrating Radar in Studies of the Chuping Prehistoric Site




The Chuping relic site located in central Taiwan is the most inclusive high altitude prehistoric settlement site found to date in Taiwan with abundant relics of Taiwanese aboriginal heritage. It is important in Taiwan archaeological studies because the Chuping relic site has the potential to yield significant information about the ancient Taiwanese aboriginal ways of life and the prehistory regarding their origin, migration, and culture development. Excavations have been carried out three times in the 1980s, but more efforts are still needed to gain a complete knowledge about the founding history of different settlements in this area. To assess the possibility of further excavation in this area and propose a fast technique for detecting backfilled and undiscovered remains, we performed ground penetrating radar studies over a model area on campus, and two selected sites in the Chuping area. The acquired field data were processed by incorporating an interpolating technique into the standard reflection data analysis procedure. Our results indicate that the methodology renders profiles with significant events as signs of buried targets which are valuable for field archaeologists to locate further excavation sites and inventory backfilled remains in the future. With the findings over the unexcavated spots and the deeper reflections from the 1980s excavated sites, further excavations are suggested.


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台灣原住民族資訊資源網 (2012)。http://www.tipp.org.tw/formosan/tribe/tribe_detail3.jspx?id=20071219000006
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