  • 期刊


The Analysis of "Mona Lisa Vezzosi" on the Basis of Roland Barthes's Semiology




Mona Lisa swept the world five hundred years, who was called as the immortal classic legend. Renaissance’s artist Leonardo da Vinci combined his abundant experience with knowledge in various fields, setting a perfect example of the art. "Mona Lisa" aroused whirlwinds in every era, from vivid copies to the mischievous teasing. In the twentieth century, Dada artist Marcel Duchamp broken the old beauty distance of Mona Lisa, and opened the Variations of Mona Lisa. Modern and contemporary artists catch up with the craze one after another, using their own languages and ways of speaking, and begin a dialogue with prototype "Mona Lisa" in the history. The purpose of this project is to decompose the speaking ways and contents of the artists. First, through literature review gathers all works which were the re-interpretation of "Mona Lisa", and investigates comprehensive appearances primarily. After heavy extraction, I will collect and analyze artists who transformed Leonardo da Vinci’s works more than one time. After many after extraction, will not only be a transformation of Da Vince art collection, analyzing works. Second, using Roland Barthes’ Semiotics "signifier", "meaning", "synchronic", "diachronic", "direct means" and "implicitly means" to analyze and regarded every variational work as one system. Then, listening to the voice of artists, themselves, history as well as society in each stage. In addition, this project is divided into three levels: First, the spirit of Mona Lisa and Leonardo da Vinci. Second, the milestone of first one who knifed in the face of Mona Lisa. Third, Mona Lisa in the eyes of contemporary artists. And through in-depth interviews to get more perfect spread profiles of "Mona Lisa".


吳曉芳(2004)。渾圓豐滿‧ 洋溢喜悅生命力。藝術家雜誌。59(6),378-389。
