  • 期刊


In online shopping organic produce direct to shorten the food miles platform build


本研究將建置一個以資訊科技縮短食物里程之有機農產品的平台建置,結合了二維條碼與生產履歷以提供消費者健康安全的農產品,使用宅配到府服務將農產品由產地直接送到家。近年來我國食品安全問題屢見不鮮,使得消費者越來越關注食安議題,而我國政府為了確保食品安全於2004年起推動台灣農產品產銷履歷8。本研究與十甲有機農場產學合作而建置,經由廠商提供學生實習的機會,且更進一步了解十甲有機農場的生產過程、包裝、行銷、生產履歷。為因應忙碌的消費者加入了宅配到府服務,消費者可依節令直接上線由網站平台下單所需的有機農產品後,再由農場經營者在離線時,將消費者所需產品整理包裝,及時宅配到消費者手上。此有機農產品平台,不 但能使經營者對於所生產之有機農作物以二維條碼2生產履歷清楚地紀錄,更能讓消 費者清楚掌控產品的生產與宅配過程,同時達到產銷兩方的雙贏。


This study will establish an organic product's IT platform associated with Quick Response Code's traceable agricultural products (TAP) 8 and delivery service to shorten food miles. The food safety scandals happened frequently for recent years. The consumers became more and more concern of the issues of food security. The Taiwan authority started to push Taiwan Agriculture and Food Traceability (TAFT) to secure the safety of the food since 2004. The system was set up and collaborated with SHI-JIA organic farm in a relationship of university and the farm. We took this very opportunity of internship at farm to get to understand the production process, packaging, marketing and traceable agriculture products. By the theory of O2O, the customers could make their purchase order while they were online, the owners could organize and package the products for delivery while the customers were offline. It is win-win consequence for both the customers and the producers by the organic agricultural platform where not only the farmers can thoroughly record all the production processes by quick response code but also the customers control the agriculture's quality and when to receive the purchased food.


台灣農產品安全追溯資訊網。民105 年2 月20日,取自: http://taft.coa.gov.tw/
有機農業全球資訊網,民105 年2 月20 日,取自: http://info.organic.org.tw/supergood/front/bin/home.phtml
MoneyDJ 理財網 財經知識庫,民105 年2 月20 日,取自: http://www.moneydj.com/KMDJ/wiki/wikiViewer.aspx?keyid=923a4da4-64d0-4745-8d07-ba6b473443af
食在很重要, 民105 年2 月20 日, 取自: http://www.kskk.org.tw/food/node/58
Kiang, Melody Y.,Raghu, T. S.,Shang, Kevin Huei-Min(2000).Marketing on the Internet-who can benefit from an online marketing approach?.Decision Support Systems.27(4),383-393.
