  • 期刊


The Effects of Cloud Computing on Photorealistic rendering


CG(Computer Graphics)業界之擬真算圖(Photorealistic Rendering)技術,因為其提供有價值的預視功能,是追求高畫質的輸出過程的必經之路。然而相關從業人員執行算圖這個步驟是完全仰賴電腦效能,只能等待而無法有效提升。「時間」與「品質」,都極為重要,兩者卻難以兼顧。大事業體重金投入硬體設備來應應;這對於中小甚至微型企業而言是沉重的負擔。如何使質與量兼顧兩全其美,成為了亟需探討的課題。本研究實地走訪產業第一線,發覺上述的需求,正好是以往架站所使用之雲端虛擬系統的特色。若搭配實體電腦教室協同聯動工作的概念,建立一套雲端虛擬算圖系統,並有效進行管理配置,加上支援行動運算,定能提供解決方案。本研究以此為出發點,確保資料傳輸品質穩定,透過個人電腦與智慧型行動裝置進行傳統實體機與雲端虛擬化主機,兩者間算圖尺寸、聯接配置的效能實驗,以分析最佳運用方式提供業界做參考。由實驗結果判斷,在品質差異甚微的情況下,輸出圖像尺寸越大量越多越體現出雲端虛擬聯機配置的效能優勢,其原因是彼此之間相互差異小、物理距離近,面臨龐大資料處理能即刻反應,24 小時搭配行動App 無線遠端操控,突破時空限制的便利,為中小企業導入一大利器。


Many years ago, the term "photorealistic rendering" was coined by the field of computer graphics. Since then, the term has been heatedly discussed not only because of the value of pre-show function provided, but also the pursuit of high quality output process. From the fineness of stereoscopic model to material shading definition, photorealistic rendering technology is used to incorporate with photography simulation techniques including composition, depth of field, and lens flare for optimization. In a normal production process, however, when executing photorealistic rendering, relevant practitioners often rely on computer algorithm for the replacement of traditional coloring job. They often wait during the process and fail to interrupt manually. We need to take care of both "time" and "quality," but it is difficult to have both. In order to assure output efficiency and quality of digital contents, big businesses invest heavily in hardware equipment, but this is a big burden for general small and medium even micro enterprises that account for the majority of businesses in Taiwan since they do not need to engage in photorealistic rendering all the time. Along with the advancement of digital media technology, tenders are often awarded to outstanding bids that are able to present perspectives looking like photos or even with animation effect and achieve zero distance communication. Therefore, how to acquire the effectiveness of both quantity and quality becomes an urgent issue. After working in the field for many years, the researcher found the need mention above can be satisfied by cloud virtual system utilized for website construction. If we are able to incorporate coordinating and linkage concepts of physical computer lab with the establishment of cloud rendering system based on virtualized technology for management and allocation of business models, mobile computing can be maximized to get rid of spatial limitations and provide a set of satisfying and effective solution. Based on this point, this study with the assurance of stable transmission quality begins to conduct the effectiveness experiment by connecting and allocating a personal computer and smart mobile device in two different rending dimensions and analyzes the optimal algorithm as the reference for the industry. According to experiment result, when there is a minor discrepancy of quality, output image at higher volume shows the realization of better effective advantage. The causes enable us to narrow down the discrepancy and physic distance for the immediate response to the huge amount of information. The incorporation with wireless remote control app is really beneficial to us to transcend time and space boundaries.


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