  • 期刊


Basketball Battle Field: The Reflective Practice of UBA Suspension Incident




Introduction: The student-players' physical conflict between I-Shou University and National Taiwan Normal University on the University Basketball Association (UBA) tournament 2014 resulted in the deprivation of participation right and 1-year forbidden games for both universities. This controversial decision brought about varied opinions and educational debate. Method: Research data were analyzed by thematic analysis based upon Schön's reflective practice model. Reflection-in-action combined with Polanyi's tacit knowledge perspective studied public opinion and sport law. Reflection-on-action focused on objective knowledge and subjective experience, along with Foucault‘s power perspective. Results: 1. Sport law found the inconsistent interpretations towards regulation due to various public viewpoints. Respective opinions exist among maintenance of regulation, explanation of law principle, and consideration of socio-cultural context; therefore, there is a potentiality for an administrative relief. 2. Punishment-oriented and tolerance-oriented educational approaches were under debate and in paradox. Because student-players are in a side of disadvantage, an ideal press conference for dialogues among all parties was further suggested. Conclusion: Schön's reflection in/on action mode helps identify professionals' reflective practice in UBA's conflict accident, and highlights more are needed to be done for the minority as student-players in this case.


陳陸輝、耿曙、塗萍蘭、黃冠博,〈理性自利或感性認同? 影響臺灣民眾兩岸經貿立場因素的分析〉,《東吳政治學報》,27.2(臺北,2009):87-125。
黃吉人,〈UBA 禁賽風波出現轉圜生機〉,〈http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140228000688-260111〉,2014.02.28 檢索。
麥可‧波蘭尼 (Michael Polanyi) 著,《個人知識──邁向後批判哲學(Personal Knowledge : Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy) 》(許澤民譯),貴陽:貴州人民,2000。
