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The Dagangkou Incident: The Conflicts between the State System and the Aboriginal Tribes during Late Qing Dynasty


晚清以來的後山經略,源於國際間對「主權」的明確要求,隨之而來的便是清國在後山的設官、駐軍、移民等措施。 沈葆禎時期的中路開山軍向來僅駐防於前山一帶,直到光緒三年四月底,始因政策調整而轉紮後山中路,此後展開一連串的駐軍地點的安排。 基於後勤補給的需要,吳光亮先後選擇各口岸作為糧食的接收站,卻因駐軍過度役使當地民力等因素,終於引發了以烏漏社的反抗為起點、擴大成為tsiporan氏族集團的反撫事件。 事後,清國正式確立了它在後山中路的實際佔有,同時也帶動了港口阿美人的部落遷徙、民庄的緩步成長等。至於作為糧食補給之需要而設立的兵站,在加禮宛事件的考驗下,由於受制於地理因素,各站皆未能發揮作用,唯餘花蓮港一地,這也有效地制約了加禮宛人對本事件的遺忘;至於港口阿美人,則選擇性地記憶了在事件前即已被殺的通事林東涯。 雖然後山的實際控制者是營官,而真能深入部落的則是通事,營官與通事的結合遂成為晚清後山的權力結構,林東涯之於事件後被記憶起來,恰好有力地說明了國家體制在晚清原住民部落中的重大衝擊。


Due to the international requirement for a clear sovereignty and boundary of a country, the government tried to adjust the policy and practice on Eastern Taiwan, such as garrisoning, officializing, immigrating, etc., during the late Qing Taiwan. Based on the new policy, SHEN Bau-jen tried to change the garrison place from sitting on the central route at the west side of mountain range to the east side for the controlling of Eastern Taiwan. Then, Wu Gwang-liang chose some seaports as the garrison place for easy supplying. But, because the army asked Amis' tribes to supply heavy resources and labor services, some Amis' clan group tried to resist, and eventually evolved into the Dagan Kou Incideut. After the incident, Qing Court occupied the Eastern Taiwan officially. But, only the garrison which sited at Hualien Harbor offered the effects for governing. In any case, Eastern Taiwan was actually governed by the garrison officials. But the officials always worked with interpreters to contact and handle the tribes. That was the reason why LIN Don-jai, an important interpreter at his time, was often remarked by the Amis people after the incident.


