  • 期刊


Evaluation Meridian Energy and Changes in Autonomic Nervous System by Foot Bath


熱水足浴為傳統養生的方法之一,本研究目的為探討足浴對經絡穴位皮膚電阻及自律神經變化之影響,使護理人員對足浴之作用機制有更深入的了解。本研究為類實驗設計(quasi-experimental design),採單組兩天前後測設計,以重覆測量方式監測足浴前後心跳、血壓、指溫與經絡皮膚電阻的變化。以成年女性健康自願者為研究對象,足浴時間為20分鐘,水溫42˚C,水位高度為三陰交穴位上1公分。第一天無足浴介入測試,第二天足浴介入測試,受測者於足浴前後接受心跳、血壓、指溫、經絡穴位皮膚電阻測量。結果顯示,熱水足浴介入前指溫為26.3°C介入後測為29.2°C,指溫可提升2.9°C,達統計顯著差異(p<.05);此外熱水足浴後身體整體經絡能量上升5.8μA,達統計顯著差異(p<.05),然而在自律神經平衡度上則未達統計顯著差異。結論:足浴能使局部血管擴張增加血流促進循環,提升身體溫度並達到保暖療效,足部穴位相對應五臟六腑的功能,所以藉由足浴刺激足部穴位後,測量身體穴位發現降低皮膚電阻而提升身體整體經絡能量。


Hot footbaths are a traditional Chinese method of health therapy. With their convenience, noninvasiveness, few adverse side effects The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of a foot bath on the electrical resistance of the skin in the meridian and on body energy, with a view to improving nurses' understanding of the mechanisms of the benefits that are provided by the foot bath. In this study, a (quasi-experimental group pretest-posttest two-day design was used. Heart rate, blood pressure, finger temperature, and electrical skin the resistance in the meridian were evaluated before and after use of a footbath. Healthy adult female volunteers participated. The duration of each footbath was 20 minutes and the temperature of the water was 42℃. The level of the water was 1cm above the Sanyinjiao points. No intervention was performed on the first day of the study, but physiological parameters were monitored on that day (pretest). On the second day, a footbath was used and the posttest monitoring was performed. The results show that the finger temperature was 26.3℃ before testing and 29.2°C afterward, indicating a statistically significant increase of 2.9℃ reached (p<.05). The mean electrical resistance of the body meridian were increased by 5.8 μA and this effect was statistically significant (p<.05). However, the footbath had no statistically significant effect on autonomic nervous system balance. Conclusion: The footbath makes the local blood vessels dilate, increasing blood flow and the mean body meridian energy. In Chinese medicine, the five viscera and six bowels of the human body have corresponding acupuncture points on the feet. When feet are soaked in hot water, warming the acupuncture points, the meridian and collateral points are directly stimulated.


