  • 會議論文


A Research on the Application of Delphi Technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process on the Distribution of Creative Stationery


隨著宅經濟發酵熱絡,人類爲求生活便利,伸手所及舉凡一切產品無不盡其所能追求功能便利與獨特質感,短短數十年更大幅超越過去數百年,在過程中跳出舊思維的圍圄創造出產品的新價值。 「政府綠色採購」的歷史始於一九八零年代中期,因爲此類以政府採購爲誘因,加強產業研發、生產、行銷綠色產品的政策,不止向廣大民雖示範政府爲了美好環境付出努力,在促進市場產品的可回收、低污染、省能源方面的提升亦獲致正面的效果。本研究的目的瞭解面對政府綠色採購計畫的重點產業,其行銷面向的困難點,及在制度改變的契機下可能的變化與影響因素。 本研究以「創新功能、攜帶便利、造型質感、趣味新穎、環保素材」這五大構面精神來延伸細項作爲問卷,運用德菲法發放問卷給專家填寫;接著運用層級分析法(AHP)兩兩比較的方式進行要項的重要度,依序找出顧客需求上急需改善的缺口,再以品質機能展開法擬定出因應的相關策略,找出顧客個人風格化的心理需求面向:品質機能展開是近幾年全球各界推介重視的研發方法之一,用於界定顧客帶求品質即顧客心聲(VOC)和工程特性即製造者心聲(VOE)並將其數據化,藉以提供工程設計者衡量,進而付諸產品規劃,最後獲重要結論以提供業者和後續研究參考。


With the house of economic ferment warm, human life for the sake of convenience, reach out reach of all products Whether it invariably do everything to facilitate the pursuit of functional and unique texture, just a few decades more sharply than in the past few centuries, in the process out of the old The major source of thinking to create new value for the product. Began in the mid-1980 to strengthen industrial R&D, manufacturing and marketing of green products, policies and market products in the promotion of recyclable, low pollution, the provincial energy improvements have also been caused by a positive effect. The purpose of this study was to understand the face of government green procurement plans to focus on industries facing difficulties in their marketing points, and the opportunity to change the system might change and influence factors. In this study of ”innovative features to bring convenience, modeling texture, interesting novel, environmentally friendly material” This is an extension of the spirit of the five dimensions breakdown of the questionnaire, using Delphi method, sent out questionnaires to experts filled in; and then the use of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) 2 two-way comparison to item importance, and then to Quality Function Deployment method to prepare a response to the relevant strategies, to identify customer-oriented personal style-oriented psychological needs; Quality Function Deployment is the recommended emphasis on research and development sectors in recent years, one of the methods used on defining the quality of the customer voice of customer (VOC) and engineering features that the manufacturer wishes (VOE) and its data-oriented in order to provide designers to measure, and then put into product planning, the final outcome in order to provide the industry and follow up studies for reference.


