  • 期刊


A Digital Radar Analysis of the Internal Reflectivity Motion Field within Precipitation Systems


中尺度天氣系統會伴隨劇烈降水,對生命財產這成很大的損害,若能對中尺度降水系統的運動結構有所了解,對短期預報將有幫助。傳統雷達雖可提供時間及空間解析度相當高的降水胞結構圖,能了解降水系統的三度空間結構,但無法提供運動參數,必須與其他觀測資料配合,主觀分析、推理,才可揣測其運動結構;但若有數值化雷達資料,應用Rinehart(1979)所提出的一種客觀分析TREC技術(Tracking Radar Echo by Correlation)利用相關分析對兩連續時間的回波圖形作圖形辨識得位移向量,而間接地求得降水系統內部的回波運動場,增進對降水系統運動結構之了解。本文是利用臺灣地區的數值化雷達資料,應用TREC技術做分析,以試驗以臺灣地區數值化雷達資料的解析度,用TREC技術的可行性,由分析結果顯示出,回波整體受環境風場作用而移動,但其內部風場有小尺度擾動存在,若能有更好的空間、時間解析度的雷達資料,則可藉著TREC技術分析降水系統內部運動,得知其最有可能對流發展區之所在,則此技術可改善對劇烈降水的預報。


In order to understand the kinematic properties of mesoscale precipitation systems, a pattern recognization technique TREC (Tracking Radar Echo by Correlation) was adopted to calculate the internal motion field from consecutive digital radar data set. A feasibility study was carried to test the proper time and space resolution of this technique. The data structure of Kaohsiung radar and the characteristics of different precipitation systems were taken into consideration. The results indicate short interval data sets were needed to provide qualitatively correct internal motion field of a precipitation system. More data sets will be processed to accumulate more experience for future development.
