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思氏不對稱鰓虱(Discorsobopyrus stebbingi(Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923))(甲殼綱:等足目:鰓虱科)寄主新記錄及形態描述與18SrRNA分析

A New Host for Discorsobopyrus stebbingi (Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923), with Morphological Remarks and an Analysis of Its 18S rRNA (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae)


鰓虱科(Bopyridae)生物屬於等足目(Isopoda)上蝦亞目(Epicaridea),主要寄生於十足目(Decapoda)生物如蝦蟹之鰓腔,吸食宿主血淋巴液維生。被寄生之蝦蟹會造成生長不良、生殖障礙等問題造成族群量之減少。人類誤食可能導致過敏等食安風險,所以鰓虱之種類鑑定、生態及生活週期有必要被研究了解。不對稱鰓虱屬Discorsobopyrus是2004年自真蝦鰓虱亞科Bopyrinae分出之新屬,目前該屬只有一種生物記錄為思氏不對稱鰓虱(Discorsobopyrus stebbingi (Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923)),該物種在文獻中記載宿主為東方異腕蝦(Heterocarpus sibogae de Man, 1917),本次發現為寄主新紀錄,其特徵有研究價值。2018年9月12日在屏東東港林氏異腕蝦(H. hayashii Crosnier, 1988)採樣中發現疑似上述寄生蟲。經解剖顯微鏡、電子顯微鏡觀察後發現:雌蟲與雄蟲間的體型差異極大、雌蟲體呈卵圓形 頭部較長,呈倒三角形並向後逐漸縮窄 顎足周圍具有小短刺,沒有觸鬚,兩面皆呈裂片狀,顎足上側具有些許小突起的構造以及稀疏的剛毛,第一對卵板呈不規則卵形或三角形,內面平滑。第一觸角(antenna-1)和第二觸角(antenna-2)各存在一節等,且其宿主同樣屬於長額蝦科(Pandalidae)。根據上述特徵鑑定為思氏不對稱鰓虱(D. stebbingi)。以18S rRNA序列作分子系統學分析結果得知,思氏不對稱鰓虱和寄生在長額蝦科(Pandalus borealis)之Hemiarthrus abdominalis親緣最為相近。本研究期望能提供不對稱鰓虱屬記錄,並作為生物多樣性及海洋資源管理之參考。


Bopyridae belong to the infraorder Epicaridea in the order Isopoda. As parasites, mainly in the gill cavities of decapod crustaceans such as shrimps and crabs, they feed on host hemolymph. As a result, the hosts show poor growth, reproductive disorders, and other problems, resulting in population declines. Furthermore, accidental ingestion of bopyrids by humans may lead to food safety risk. A comprehensive understanding of the taxonomy, ecology, and life cycles of gill lice, as bopyrids are also called, is necessary. The present study concerns a new host record from Taiwan for a bopyrid species of potential economic significance in the management of biodiversity and marine resources. Discorsobopyrus Boyko, 2004 is a recently described genus in the subfamily Bopyrinae. Its only species, D. stebbingi (Nierstrasz & Brender à Brandis, 1923), was previously known to infect the pandalid shrimp Heterocarpus sibogae de Man, 1917 in waters of Indonesia and Taiwan. On 12 September 2018, specimens of D. stebbingi were found infecting a different species of shrimp, Heterocarpus hayashii Crosnier, 1988, at a fish market in Donggang, Pingtung County, Taiwan. Observations made using a dissecting microscope and scanning electron microscope showed that the females and males are very different in size, Female, body ovate, 1 side of pereon only slightly longer than other; head trian-gular, weakly produced with narrow anterior lamina. Antenna-1 and antenna-2 reduced to single segment. Maxilliped with stout distally rounded spur; palp lacking. First oostegite proximal lobeovate, distal lobe subtriangular, internal ridge smooth, and that both the first and second antennae of females are one-segmented. These features confirm the specific identification. Morphological comparison and 18S rRNA sequence alignment suggest that D. stebbingi and Hemiarthrus abdominalis are most closed.


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